Their honesty and hospitality left a________ impressiooher life.
· ensuring
· essential
· exact
· enduring

The girls jumped up and dowand waved their arms with ________.
· abandon
· forbidden
· forgotten
· isolation

The couple pledged that they would always remai________to each other.
· confident
· faithful
· truthful
· polite

Shortly after our dinner together, Grandfather was ________with a fatal illness.
· confined
· caged
· enclosed
· hospitalized

The only slight ________ithis painting is a scratch ithe corner.
· imperfection
· improvement
· introduction
· invention

The lights were ________out whethe electricity supply was reduced.
· dimmed
· shivered
· dined
· trembled

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GIF格式的图像最多只能表现256色,图像文件也很小。( )

在HTML表格中,表格的列数等于任意一行中TH与TD的个数。( )

要想在一个网页中嵌套另外一个网页,一般可以使用页内框架。( )

在框架面板中选择框架集通常比在视图窗口中选择框架集容易。( )

"在Dreamweaver 中,中文输入时欲键入空格应该怎么做( )
·代码中输入“ ”
· 在编辑窗口输入两次空格

下列说法正确的是( )。

关于做手机项目的注意事项下列说法正确的是( )。

做手机单需要兼容的浏览器有哪些( )。