Ms Nancy didn’t mind at all ______ to the ceremony. A、 being not invited B、 not being invited C、 not inviting D、 not to be invited
_____ of water makes Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid. A、 Lacking B、 Being lack C、 Because of lack D、 Lack
1. When you need to answer a phone call during a performance, you should______________. 2. Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think___________. 3. When you are calling in a noisy area, you are advised to ___________________________ 4. The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as ______should be discouraged. 5.The sensitive device microphones could allow you_________________on a regular phone.
Modern science and technology has _____ communication between people far apart. A、 made convenient B、 made it convenient C、 made it convenient for D、 made it convenient to
Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language. A、 as B、 that C、 C. which D、 where
_____ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour. A、 If only I had got up B、 If I had got up C、 If only I get up D、 If I got up
With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years. A、 discovered B、 have discovered C、 had been discovered D、 have been discovered
--- How was the televised debate last night --- Super! Rarely ______ so much media attention. A、 a debate attracted B、 did a debate attract C、 a debate did attract D、 attracted a debate
There are some police cars in front. What do you suppose _____? A、 is the matter B、 is happened C、 is the wrong D、 the trouble is
_____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government. A、 Considering B、 Considered C、 Having been considered D、 Being considered
I can’t ______ her another day; she never stops complaining. A、 come up with B、 keep up with C、 put up with D、 catch up with
Over thirty coal miners were reported ______ in that shocking accident. A、 to be killed B、 having been killed C、 to have been killed D、 being killed
1. The word “asset” in line 1 probably means_________ 2. The author tries to convince his readers of ________. 3. The purpose in following the quiz is to _____________. 4. People’s _________of you is also influenced by you vocabulary. 5. The passage mainly deals with the importance of ___________.
The boy ______ . Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination. A、 has studies B、 will have studied C、 has been studying D、 had studied
For this part,you at e required to write a letter of about 80 words to ask for the permission of a 5 days’ leave from your work.Your letter should include the following information:假如你是张莹,你的校友小王假期要来拜访你,请根据如下中文提示给小王写一封信。  1. 表示欢迎  2. 提出对度假安排的建议3. 提醒应注意的事项