听说Sabrina Lee有意我们部门的招聘岗位,你可以帮助他一起完成个人简历哦! Name: Sabrina Lee Age: 27 American Marital status:回答 回答 : Denver University, Denver, Colorado Bachelor of Science, Marketing and Management, 2006—2009 回答 : ●Director of Sales and Marketing 1/2013—Present, R & Y Company Responsibilities:Leadership, direction and management of 9 sales and customer service employees. ●Regional Sales Manager 1/2010—12/2012, Copper Intelligence Co. Ltd Responsibilities: Management of distribution channels.
将职务头衔和对应的管理部门进行匹配。 Marketing Manager (营销部经理) 答案 1 Engineer (工程师) 答案 2 Training Officer (培训主管) 答案 3 Production Manager (生产部经理) 答案 4 Accountant (会计) 答案 5 President (总裁) 答案 6 Purchasing Officer (采购部经理) 答案 7 Quality Controller (质检员)
— In what form will you take the investment? — ____________ 选择一项: A. Yes, we will. B. We.ll contribute a site and the required premises. C. We.ll give investment.
The manager urged his staff not to __________the splendid opportunity. 选择一项: A. slide B. miss C. escape
— Are you going on holiday for a long time? — _____________ 选择一项: A. It was a long time. B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days.
Purchasing the new production line will be a __________ deal for the company. 选择一项: A. profitable B. forceful C. tremendous
1. The cost of the new project will go over budget. 回答  A. 新项目的支出将超过预算。  B. 新项目的支出将在预算以内。  C. 新项目的支出将重新核算。
2. How will the evaluation of these investments be carried out? 回答  A. 如何进行这些项目的投资?  B. 如何对这些投资进行评估呢?  C. 如何对这些项目进行评价?
A credit card is an interest free short-term loan. 回答  A. 信用卡是短期的无息贷款。  B. 信用卡倾向于短期贷款。  C. 信用卡贷款不用还款。
4. Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy. 回答  A. 数据评估就是要制定有效市场营销策略。  B. 数据评估和市场策略都非常重要。  C. 数据评估是制定有效市场营销策略的重要一环。
5. We should discourage people from using their cars in the city centers. 回答  A. 我们应该鼓励人们在市中心开车。  B. 我们应该鼓励人们不要在市中心开车。  C. 我们应该劝阻人们不要在市中心开车。
They are trying to __________ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. 选择一项: A. expose B. exhaust C. exploit
Rent, electricity and insurance are all examples of the company.s ________. 选择一项: A. overhead B. turnover C. assets
1. What should the budget plan be based on? 回答  A. The company.s reliable expense.  B. The company.s reliable income.  C. The company.s reliable cost.