"i don’ t think we. re on the same wavelength." belongs to the sense of () .
A . sight
B . feeling
C . sound
D . hearing

When a customer saysI need some time to think about it" the seller says , “i.ll go outfor a cup of coffee and come back in half an hour This strategy is () .
A . the saleswoman is not placing them under a lot of pressure.
B . a free trial
C . The price strategy
D . a "no" into a "maybe"

Which? negotiating tactics are used by the seller who had got more for the car in in the?
2 minutes. video in Negotiating Tactics () .
A . A last -minute claim & Appeal to a higher authority
B . Appeal to a higher authority&Bullying
C . Bullying
D . A last -minute claim

4The word “Delegate" ? means the following except which one () .
A . Asking somebody to do some of your work for you
B You give a job to sb so that they do it for you
C . Getting other people to do some part of your work
D . The boss asks the employee to work hard.

In"delegating",“l am sure you will be happy to help me.” can be described as () .
A . Very polite
B . Assertive
C . dictatorial
D . tentative

6In The language of negotiation :? refusing,? which of the following? means the strongestrefusal ()
A . I must say no? to you and i.ll give you the reason
B . I need some time to think about that.
C . I am afraid we can.t agree to that, but i hope to do business with you some other day.
D I am sorry but that.s out of the question.

How many steps in one round of Discussion 0)

、The English name of the famous American film “当幸福来敲门” is : ()
A . The pursuit of happyness
B . When l am happy
C . When happiness knocks at the door
D . The pursuit of happiness

、In Share prices, which term suggests that the company will do well in the future().
B . Yield
C . Price.

.In Share prices, the term "price means the price0.
A . this year
B . Taday
C . last year
D . yesterday

Which one doesn.t mean "remain stable"0.
A . stabilize
B . be unchanged
C . level off
D . undulate

After it hit thebottom, it will0.
A . cover
B . go down
c . dip
D . recover

"Well yes I must admit that we had a long lunch. But the important thing is ,we hadsomething to celebrate." Here the control phrase is0.
A . we had something to celebrate
B . Well yes
C . But the important thing
D . I must admit tha

4in the teachina video of Answerina questions.how many ways are introduced0

、In A+!, which one is most important0.
D . All of them