Computers have become so necessary to modern living that it is difficult to believe that they are a relatively recent invention. Undoubtedly, they have proved to be of great value, but they also have their disadvantages. For one thing, they have added to our already large number of crimes.
Hacking was the first computer crime that most of us became aware of. By using their computing expertise, people known as hackers can gain unauthorized access to someone else.s computer and make use of the data which they find there. They may, for example, get hold of lists of the names of their competitors. clients and use these to build up their own businesses, or they may use hacking as a form of industrial espionage to find out a rival company.s plans. Other hacking activities may be more obviously criminal, in that hackers may log on to financial data in someone else.s computer and either alter it illegally or use it for fraudulent purposes.
The possibility of serious financial fraud has been greatly increased by the modern practice of purchasing goods through the Internet. Apparently, the use of credit cards to pay for purchases has led to record levels of fraud with a great many people being swindled out of a great deal of money. Banks are working hard to improve online security and to provide safeguards for customers, but fraudsters are working just as hard to improve their crooked techniques.
Many computer users worry in case their systems are affected by computer viruses. The people who introduce such bugs into other people.s computer programs may not intentionally be committing a crime, but may be doing so as an act of mischief or spite. The motive does not really matter to the people whose data has been deleted or altered or whose files have been corrupted.
Computers are part of a highly technical method of working, in which there are constantly new developments. Unfortunately, there is also a constant stream of new developments in the fraud industry associated with them all. All computer users must be on their guard.
16. The inseparable connection between computers and modern living has often made us forget the fact that___________.
A. computer crimes are increasing
B. computes have many disadvantages
C. computers have been in our lives not for long
D. computers have brought about a lot of crimes
17. Which of the following factors is not mentioned in the passage as an example of
A. Finding out a competitor.s plans.
B. Accessing someone else.s financial data.
C. Sending computer viruses to one.s competitors.
D. Getting hold of the names of one.s competitors. clients.
18. Which of the following is assumed to be a good way to ensure safety of online
A. Avoiding using credit cards.
B. Tracking possible fraudsters.
C. Depositing money in a bank.
D. Improving the banking security system.
19. The writer believes that___________.
A. computer crimes can be eradicated
B. people don.t care much about computer viruses
C. people who introduce computer viruses are criminals
D. computer users must be on guard against computer crimes
20. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Computer Technology
B. Computer Hacking
C. Roles of Computers
D. Advantages of Computers
