题目内容 (人文英语2)

A. Oh, amazing!

B. Yeah, right. Why?

C. Have you tried Yahoo?

D. you have lots of alternative search engines.

E. you can browse the Internet instead of going to the library.

Molly: Zhang, you are going to the library, right?
Zhang Hua:回答

Molly: Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web?
Zhang Hua: I need to look for some papers to add to my research report.
Molly: Well, 回答

Zhang Hua: I tried Baidu for that, but didn.t find the ones I need. I need some English papers, actually.
Molly: 回答

Zhang Hua: Yahoo? No, but in my eyes, all search engines are quite similar.
Molly: You are right. But Baidu is good for Chinese searches, while Yahoo is better for searching data in English.
Zhang Hua: 回答

Never thought of that.4
Molly: That.s too bad. In fact, 回答

. Bing, AOL, Ask, Lycos, Sogou and even Yandex, to name a few.
