Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen,and became a mother by eighteen.
Sadly.the same year her father died.she was heat broken and had to face reality at a very young age.she tired hard to take good care of her baby as am other though she herself was still a child.She spent her teenage years in an effort to make her child.s childhood happy.
Growing up for Susan,was not exactly a family late.Susan smother was only eighteen when she had her daughter In those years,a very young mother was not as common as it is now,so her mother was laughed at and looked down upon for that Because of this,her father didn’t have feelings for her mother any more.and put Susan into the hands of her grandmother.Susan.s grandmother raised her and look care other when she was a teenager
Her poor childhood really shaped the person that she became.Even with the task of raising her baby,she is still able to work full time as a wailress, finish high school,and even plans to go to college.
