2、 Why buy products made in China? One of the most important reasons is that buying goods from China saves Americans over $100 billion annually. This is mostly due to the fact that Chinese workers are paid substantially less than comparable American employees, as the cost of living is much higher in the U.S. American buyers (small companies, major corporations, as well as every size in between) team up with Chinese suppliers to establish a genuine win-win situation for all involved parties, as well as both countries. The Chinese suppliers make money because they are selling their “Made in China” products, and the American buyers are happy because they are purchasing fine quality, inexpensive products for their business, therefore reducing their overall costs. If such an American buyer is in the retail industry, the low prices are passed on to the consumer, all while paying an American worker to unpackage, monitor, maintain and sell the item. As you can see, the trade market with China has more benefits than it’s given credit for by the advocates for homegrown goods. There is much more to helping the economy of our country than insisting that we only purchase products that have been “Made in the USA.” Keeping the world economy spinning while simultaneously supporting corporate America and the small businesses that make this country great is what will keep this country strong in the future. Task 1 1. What is the main idea of this audio clip? A. Chinese products are cheap. B. Buying from China is beneficial. C. Americans should not buy Chinese goods
