Though he left the motherland since he was born, he can speak ____________ French.(本题5.0分)  A、  smooth   B、  fluent   C、  easy   D、  flowing 
The author writes the last paragraph to show__________.(本题5.0分)  A、  pets are the same as hot dogs and apple pies   B、  pets are people   C、  pets are just property   D、  pets are important 
– Why don’t we watch the fashion show tonight? –____________________________!(本题5.0分)  A、  Yes, we do   B、  Sounds great   C、  For sure   D、  No, we don’t 
1. (单选题) 在消费者收入与商品价格既定条件下,消费者所能购买到的两种商品数量的最大组合的线叫做:( )(本题2.0分) A. 无差异曲线 B. 消费可能线 C. 等产量线 D. 企业预算线
– I’d like you to meet Kate. –(本题5.0分)  A、  Yes, I’d like.   B、  It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate.   C、  You’re welcome.   D、  Not at all. 
All of the following can fall into the category of “depression” EXCEPT __________.(本题5.0分)  A、  stress   B、  mild unhappiness   C、  some mental or emotional problems   D、  thoughts of suicide 
A person who is able to read and write is called __________.(本题5.0分)  A、  learned   B、  knowledgeable   C、  literate   D、  illiterate 
These euphoric feelings are not ______, but they are in your head.(本题5.0分)  A、  image   B、  imagine   C、  imaginary   D、  imagery 
Before he went to Hong Kong for his vacation, Jason went to the bank to __________ some money.(本题5.0分)  A、  pull   B、  pick   C、  gain   D、  draw 
He spends a whole day ______ by the pool, waiting the fish to be hooked.(本题5.0分)  A、  standing   B、  stand   C、  stood   D、  being standing 
Psychologists study perception by ________.(本题5.0分)  A、  setting up many experiments   B、  asking each other what they see   C、  looking out of windows   D、  studying people’s eyes 
—I.m afraid I.ve got a bad cold. —________.(本题5.0分)  A、  Never mind   B、  Keep away from me   C、  Better go and see a doctor   D、  You need to take medicine 
Wash your hands ______ with hot soapy water before handling any food.(本题5.0分)  A、  thorough   B、  thoroughly   C、  through   D、  though 
About __________ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.(本题5.0分)  A、  four-fifth   B、  four-fifths   C、  fourth-fifths   D、  fourths-fifth 
The old man should be treated with . ( )(本题5.0分)  A、  kind   B、  kindness   C、  kindly   D、  kinder