(单选题) Which of the following writer doesn’t belong to the “Lake Poets” of the English Romanticism?_____(本题3.5分) A、 Robert Burn B、 William Wordsworth C、 Samuel Taylor Coleridge D、 Robert Southey
(单选题) Which one is D. H. Lawrence.s autobiographical novel?(本题3.5分) A、 Sons and Lovers. B、 Women in Love. C、 The Lost Girl. D、 Lady Chatterley’s Lover
(单选题) As a philosophical and literary movement, _______ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.(本题3.5分) A、 romanticism B、 rationalism C、 transcendentalism D、 sentimentalism
(单选题) Which of the following poem was not written by John Keats?(本题3.5分) A、 Ode to the West Wind. B、 Ode to Autumn. C、 Ode on a Grecian Urn. D、 Ode to a Nightingale.
(单选题) The author of the novel The Return of the Native is . (本题3.5分) A、 Hardy B、 Shelley C、 Austen D、 Dickens
(单选题) Which of the following writings can be regarded as typically belonging to the school of Romantic literature?(本题3.5分) A、 Don Juan. B、 Ulysses C、 Jane Eyre. D、 Sons and Lovers
(单选题) The Lyric Ballads was jointly published by William Wordsworth and _______. (本题3.5分) A、 Shakespeare B、 Joyce C、 Coleridge D、 Keats
(单选题) After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _____. (本题3.5分) A、 French B、 English C、 Latin D、 Swedish
(单选题) The Man of Property is taken from Galsworthy’s trilogy, _____. (本题3.5分) A、 The End of the Chapter B、 The Forsyte Saga C、 A Modern Comedy D、 The Island Pharisees
(单选题) ______ was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first translator of the Bible. (本题3.5分) A、 Langland B、 Gower C、 Wycliffe D、 Chaucer
(单选题) Which one is D. H. Lawrence.s autobiographical novel?(本题3.5分) A、 Sons and Lovers. B、 Women in Love. C、 The Lost Girl. D、 Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
(单选题) _____is called by Hemingway the one from which “all modern American literature comes”. (本题3.5分) A、 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn B、 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer C、 The Gilded Age D、 Life on the Mississippi
(单选题) Beowulf describes the exploits of a hero, Beowulf, in fighting against the monster Grendel, his revengeful mother, and a fire-breathing dragon.(本题3.5分) A、 Danish B、 Scandinavian C、 English D、 Norwegian
(单选题) Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe created the image of an enterprising Englishman, typical of the English bourgeoisie in the ______century.(本题3.5分) A、 17th B、 18th C、 19th D、 20th
(单选题) In ________, Hawthorne sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.(本题3.5分) A、 The Custom House B、 Young Goodman Brown C、 Rappaccini’s Daughter D、 The Birthmark