(单选题)At first,Baker thought Mr.Fleagle.English course _ dull.
[单选题] Baker. s opinion, the title of the composition "WhatI Did on My Summer Vacation" was foolish
[单选题] Baker liked _ a composition with the title "The Art of EatingSpaghetti” .
[单选题] The public are _ with the ignorance of Zhai Tianlin.
[单选题] Baker didn.t like English. He was _ by everything associated withEnglish. A、 bored B、boringo C.boreoD、born
[单选题]Tomorrow the mayor is to a group of Canadian businessmen on atour of the city. OA、coordinateB、cooperateo C、 accompanyOD、associate
[单选题]Hollywood thousands of movies each year to the world.A、turns in B、turns downo C、 turns outD、turns up
[单选题] l had the idea of becoming a writer, but it wasn.t until the thirdyear in university that the possibility _. A、 took away B、took downo C、took upono D、took hold
[单选题]She would appear _ a rose.A、with B、onoC、inD、at
10、[单选题]_on the sofa, he looked throught the magazine.A、 Lie B、Lied C、LyingD、 Laying
[单选题]President Xi is _ in China. A、respectable B、respectC、respective D、respectful
[单选题]She lay in _ after having been hurt in the car accident.A、 happiness O B、angryo c. painfulO D、agony
13、[单选题] When l heard the death of my pet dog, l could hardly _ mytears. A、 hold onB、hold ato C. hold foro D、hold back
[单选题] Lily managed to support herself by working _ as a waitress.A、 sometime B、some timeo C. off and ono D、off and down
[单选题]They are going to _ those clothes and blankets among theearthquake victims. A、contribute B、distributeo C、attributeD、assign