请将下列句子分别转译为中文: John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. Those who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price sooner or later. She called for help as soon as the accident happened. My problem is that I don.t have much time to do the work.
请根据括号中的提示,将下列句子分别转译为英语: 他没有充分认识到要签合同的重要性。(appreciate) 她的真正问题是她缺乏信心。(be lack of) 她满腔热情地投入到工作当中。(throw...into) 能够见到老朋友,我说不出有多高兴。(describe)
请将下列句子分别转译为英文: 谁来做这项工作并不重要的,重要的是如何做它。 这个游戏给她带来了乐趣,使她很快着了迷。 古希腊人(Greeks)是以他们超乎寻常的智慧和学识享誉至今。
请将下列句子分别转译为中文: Under the old educational system, few children were able to keep alive their curiosity and mental independence. No matter what school you study in, you will find good and bad aspects. If we take notice of only the good side, we are not only always discontented with ourselves but also often offend others. The peasants serve an important function in providing food for the city residents.
这家公司必须采取有效措施来避免类似问题。(take measures) 澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一。(one of...,where) 学校已选出最好的乒乓球运动员。(pick out) 我说这些都是为了你。
– hurry up please, or i.ll be late. –_________. A.Sorry sir, but the traffic is heavy now. B.Well, it.s alright, sir. C.How can you say that, sir? D.Oh, we are going the right way.
Learners of English should accept a wide range of accents _____ English is used as one of major languages on many occasions. A.now that B.but that C.for that D.because that
– What is she? –_________. A.She is typist. B.She is talking to her friend. C.She is having a holiday. D.She is my sister.
In the _____ of the lecture, he often became absent-minded. A.course B.court C.cause D.career
– Would you mind if I open the window? –_________. A.Yes, please. B.Thank you. C.No, thanks. D.Of course not.
I took a walk to _____ my mind of my worries. A.clean B.clear C.remove D.switch
The _____ in the computer manual weren’t very helpful. A.expressions B.commands C.speeches D.instructions
— could i use your dictionary for a moment? — ___ __. A.It.s well B.It doesn.t matter C.I have no idea D.By all means
– Hello, could I speak to Mike please? –______. A.Who are you? B.Who is speaking? C.What’s wrong? D.Why?
The country made _____ attack on a neighboring land. A.a striking B.an advancing C.a progressive D.an aggressive