U.S. stocks pared back ________ losses Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said the economy was "sluggish" even before last week.s terrorist attacks. A.descending B.abrupt C.downhill D.stee
You ________ him about this since he could find out for himself. A.needn.t tell B.need tell C.need have told D.needn.t have told
As he ________ the conclusion, he lost the good chance to earn more money. A.came to B.arrived at C.leaped to D.reached
---Which class won the match in the end? ---I.m not quite sure. Maybe ______did. A.Class Two B.Class three C.third class D.Class Three E.class two
Run home_______. A.at once B.just now C.up to now D.right now E.now and then
________, he is a very honest boy in our class. A.In fact B.To begin with C.Most of all D.In reality
It is strange that you ________ say such a thing. A.would B.should C.will D.shall
A group of sharks were ________ off the coast earlier this month. A.spotted B.sported C.spouted D.spoofed
At least 76 people died when a Sibir Airlines Tu-154 ________ into the sea about 180 kilometers from the Russian resort of Sochi on Thursday. A.dropped B.jumped C.plunged D.declined
They are a reminder that great powers should steer ________ small wars and concentrate on strategic tasks which maximize long-term benefit to themselves and the world. A.clear of B.lack of C.far away D.clear up
Yesterday Ariel Sharon ordered Israeli tanks to roll back from Palestinian towns in the West Bank in a move _________ to please the visiting U.S. vice-president, Dick Cheney. A.calculated B.computed C.attempted D.estimate
Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ________. A.scarcity B.minority C.minimum D.shortage
---Please give me a ______ when you arrive. ---OK. I.ll tell you everything as soon as I get there. A.ring B.present C.hand D.ride
An example will ___________ how these objects work together. A.show B.show off C.demount D.demonstrate
What a fantastic journey! It.s worth ______ all my life A.remembering B.being remembered C.to remember D.to be remembered