60. (问答题) 如果你打算开车,就不应该喝酒。_______(本题5.0分)
59. (问答题) We can draw an important lesson from the event._______(本题5.0分)
58. (问答题) Be sure to lock the door when you leave._______(本题5.0分) 我的答案:
57. (问答题) 难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。_______(本题5.0分)
56. (问答题) The machine improves the working conditions and raises efficiency fourfold._______(本题5.0分)
55. (问答题) Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “ My Opinion on Mobile Phones ”. You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 现今手机被人们广泛使用; 2) 手机的优点和缺点。
54. (问答题) 你应该经常在吃饭前洗手。_______(本题5.0分)
53. (问答题) 我永远不会忘记我们在公园相见的那一天。_______(本题5.0分
52. (问答题) Ever since I got better marks than Parker, he has been hostile to me._______(本题5.0分)
51. (问答题) 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。_______(本题5.0分)
50. (单选题) How can you ______ if you smoke so much every day?(本题1.0分) A、 keep up B、 keep fit C、 keep to D、 keep him
49. (单选题) ______ this is the first time she had lied to her parents.(本题1.0分) A、 On no means B、 For no means C、 By no means D、 To no means
48. (单选题) As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer to spend their _____ years there.(本题1.0分) A、 remaining B、 saving C、 comparing D、 previous
47. (单选题) The new ______ didn’t know how to use the system until I explained it to him yesterday.(本题1.0分) A、 staff B、 stuff C、 stage D、 stair
46. (单选题) I didn’t know your mobile phone number, _____ I would have rung you the moment I got to Washington.(本题1.0分) A、 whereas B、 however C、 whatever D、 otherwise