1. What does ‘childhood friend’ mean? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 发小 B、 莫逆之交 C、 患难之交 D、 忘年交
Quinones. father advised him to ________. (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 pursue education B、 quit school C、 emigrate to America D、 follow in his footsteps
Mr. Fleague had a reputation among students for dullness and inability to_______. (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 inspire B、 vivid C、 inspect D、 expire
Which of the following words means “工作狂”? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 alcoholic B、 golfaholic C、 workaholic D、 shopaholic
_______ in several foreign languages is needed for work as a traveler’s guide. (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 ability B、 capability C、 capacity D、 proficiency
Which one is the largest living primate? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 orangutan B、 chimpanzees C、 gorilla D、 giraffe
1. Soy protein can serve as a nutritious ________ for meat. (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 A. replacement B、 B. supplement C、 C. compound D、 D. complement
What is implied in Geoffrey.s story? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 Geoffrey understood the teacher.s words clearly. B、 Geoffrey is good at thinking. C、 Geoffrey.s mother is cleverer than him. D、 It can show the intellectual laziness among young people.
What does Not the author tell us in part one in order to introduce his opinion? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 A teenage salesgirl was unable to do simple mental calculations. B、 A class of 60 seniors at a private college were impossible to write a short paper without misspellings. C、 Many students I see know nothing about world history or geography. D、 A friend.s lazy 26-year-old daughter who preferred to go to school.
What is implied in Geoffrey’s story? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 Geoffrey understood the teacher’s words clearly. B、 Geoffrey is good at thinking. C、 Geoffrey’s mother is cleverer than him. D、 It can show the intellectual laziness among young people.
How do we translate "美国梦"? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 American Dream B、 America Dream C、 American Hope D、 American Wish
How many children does Phil have? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 two B、 three C、 four D、 five
What.s the writing style of this text?(2.0分)2.0 分 A、 Argumentative writing B、 Narrative writing C、 Expository writing D、 Descriptive writing
How many Kevin Hanley.s are mentioned here in part two? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 Five B、 Six C、 Seven D、 Eight
Do you know what kind of animal is playing the buildingblocks in the teaching vedio? (2.0分)2.0 分 A、 gorilla B、 Chimpanzees C、 monkey D、 orangutan