In comparison with its own size, a blade of grass looks () to an ant as a tree does to a human being
A. tall
B. as tall
C. taller
D. no less tall

The price of the vase () its age: if it is very old, it will be worth a lot of money
A. holds on
B. attends to
C. follows
D. depends on

Mr. Kiney () pass an examination before she could practice law
A. had to
B. must
C. need
D. has to

() before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A. Had they arrived
B. Would they arrive
C. Were rhey arriving
D. Were they to arrive

In the accident Jack was () dead than alive.
A. so
D. more

The train pulled () and all the passengers got ()
A. in, off
C. down,out
D. out, off

Until then, his family () from him for six months.
A. didn.t hear
B. hasn.t been hearing
C. hasn.t heard
D. hadn.t heard

) got outside than it began to rain.
A. Not sooner I had
B.No sooner had
C. No sooner l
D. Hardly had I

l prefer to live in the countryside () spend a lot of time travelling to work every day.
A. instead of
B. would rather
C. rather than
D. to

The conference ) a full week by the time it ends.
A. must have lasted
B. will have lasted
C.would last
D. has lasted

I send you my best wishes on () of your silver wedding anniversary
A. needed
B. needing
C. to need
D. need

Their dialoque was so funny that we all () laughter.
A. broke into
B. broke up
C. broke away
D. broke out

The train pulled () and all the passengers got ()
A. in, off
C. down, out
D. out, off

() it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.
A. Believe
B. To believe
C. Believing
D. Believed

When I.m going out in the evening l use the bike ifl can () the car.
A. than
B. better than
C. rather than
D. less than