Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant?
【A】:Yes, please
【B】:Not at all. Go ahead
【C】:No, thank you

----Your shoes go well with your dress.
【A】:I bought it at half price
【B】:Thanks for your compliment
【C】:No, it.s not so good

-Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?
----(红色选项为正确答案). I have to finish my project right now.
【A】:No, no way
【B】:Yes, will do
【C】:Sorry, I can.t

----How did your meeting go yesterday?
----(红色选项为正确答案). It was really frustrating actually.
【A】:Not so good
【B】:Very good
【C】:Nothing special

----You.d better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen.
【A】:You are right
【B】:No, we can.t do that
【C】:I think it will kill our time

1、To reduce the (红色选项为正确答案) loss during the change, we must make sure we have the necessary skills.

2、To be(红色选项为正确答案), a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals.

3、AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were (红色选项为正确答案) to be promoted into management jobs.
【A】:more likely
【B】:more likable
【C】:more unlikely

In high school, I am equally comfortable (红色选项为正确答案) as a member of a team and independently.
【A】:to work

、I have been very lucky to have had (红色选项为正确答案) managers during my career so far.

Without his assistance, I (红色选项为正确答案) the research last month.
【A】:would not have completed
【B】:could not finish
【C】:should not finish

Middle managers directly (红色选项为正确答案) top management.
【A】:lied in
【B】:lied to
【C】:lied with

She is very adaptive and soon (红色选项为正确答案) to the campus life.

An agreement was reached on the (红色选项为正确答案) of mutual respect and mutual interest.

They depend on each other to survive. In other words, they are (红色选项为正确答案) for survival.