(单选题) After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she in the wrong direction(本题10.0分) A、 to watch B、 watch C、 to see D、 see
(单选题) On his next birthday he married for ten years.(本题10.0分) A、 meet B、 to meet C、 meeting D、 met
(单选题) Many of our most deeply _______ opinions are held simply as a result of the fact that we happen to have been “brought up” to them(本题10.0分) A、 root B、 rooting C、 rooted D、 roots
(单选题) Today we know more about ________ We’re better at preventing illness(本题10.0分) A、 medicine B、 pollution C、 environment D、 population
(单选题) I made a big cake _____ chocolate and grapes(本题10.0分) A、 with B、 on C、 from D、 to
. (单选题) The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site, so let’s tidy ______ up(本题10.0分) A、 them B、 her C、 it D、 him
(单选题) The young man _____ teaches us English is from America(本题10.0分) A、 whose B、 whom C、 who D、 which
(单选题) The sign “No Smoking” means “You _____ smoke here”(本题10.0分) A、 mustn’t B、 won’t C、 can’t D、 neen’t
(单选题) Xi Jinping visited Russia ______ March nd,(本题10.0分) A、 to B、 on C、 of D、 at
(单选题) I hear that you are ______ collecting stamps Could I have a look(本题10.0分) A、 pleased with B、 interested in C、 similar to D、 reay for
(单选题) ---Let me introduce myself. I.m Albert. --- _______ .(本题3.0分) A、 What a pleasure  B、 It.s my pleasure C、 I.m very pleased D、 Pleased to meet you
(单选题) ---Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? ---_______.(本题3.0分) A、 I’d rather you didn’t, actually B、 Of course not, it’s not allowed here C、 Great! I love pets D、 No , you can’t
(单选题) --- What about having a drink? ---_______(本题3.0分) A、 Good idea. B、 Help yourself. C、 Go ahead , please D、 Me, too.
(单选题) ---Why was the secret meeting held? ---_______.(本题3.0分) A、 Set the castle on fire B、 To set the castle on fire C、 Setting fire to the castle D、 For setting fire to the castle
(单选题) ---What you said at the meeting hurt me badly. ---_______ .(本题3.0分) A、 Sorry. But I don’t mean it B、 Sorry. But I don’t mean to C、 Sorry. But I didn’t mean to D、 Sorry. But I didn’t mean it