第一大题 交际用语(单选题)(本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项)
1、—Do you mind if I ask you why you choose to be a volunteer?
---you know,there are many foreign customers like you here.
【A】:Never mind
【B】:Of course
【C】:Of course not.

2、Mom,Ihave got the first prize!
【A】:Really?it is not true
【B】:Oh,don’t say that
【C】:Great! I am so proud of you!

3、-I am Paul.Can i have your name?
【A】:I am new here
【B】:I am 30 years old.
【C】:My name is Linda

4、Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?
【A】:No, I already have my plans.
【B】:I.d love to, but I.m busy today.
【C】:I.m ill, so I shouldn.t go out.

5、Wow! This is great!
【A】:So do I.
【B】:Don’t mention it.
【C】:I agree with you. You are right.

第二大题 词汇与结构(单选题)(本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。)
6、Knowing about oneself is the first step to success.

7、Besides,there are manythere,both historic and modern.
【A】:places of interest
【B】:parking places
【C】:shopping malls

8、The doctor heard a recorded message and then went to theroom.

9、These MOOCs make it possible for people to their learning any place around the world.
【A】:figure out
【B】:carry out
【C】:work out

10、It is common practice now the web for resources and information for homework.
【A】:to search

11、He speaks German,but his native is French.

12、You make the reservation,and I.llit in writing.

13、We can actthe interview.

14、is the weekend.

15、He lookedafter knowing the news.

16、There are months a year

17、When we heard of it, we were deeply

18、you have any questions,please contact me.

19、Never give upyour better life.
【A】:to strive for
【B】:strived for
【C】:having strived for

20、What do you thinksolve the problem?
【A】:you can do
【B】:can you do
【C】:you can do to

21、Cyber security has always been a serious issue as the internet industry is ever growing.Nowadays,people can easily connect to the Internet with a simple click of a mouse.But the global network can be easily destroyed by a single leak.The world is facing a difficult situation in keeping web security.
Currently,there are no unified international rules for maintaining internet security.China has called for unified international rules against internet crime.Last year China(and some other countries)handed in a draft Code of Conduct on Information Security to the UN.
World leaders and experts discussed the possible internet threats facing the world.They agreed that the only way to deal with internet security threats was to trust each other and strengthen cooperation.The threats cannot be solved by any one country alone.And for these reasons,countries would have a greater chance of trusting each other in dealing with such threats.
Though great efforts were made to issue common regulations for the internet,few results have been achieved yet.There.s still a long way to go for unified global internet security rules and regulations.
21-1、【单选题】There areto maintain cyberspace security.
【A】:no unified international regulations
【B】:unified international regulations
【C】:worldwide unified international regulations

21-2、【单选题】Maintaining web security is for China.
【B】:a piece of cake

21-3、【单选题】The only way to deal with cyber security threats was to
【A】:depend on China
【B】:strengthen international cooperation and trust each other
【C】:depend on the UN

21-4、【单选题】results have been achieved,although great efforts have been made to make the common regulations.
【A】:A lot of

21-5、【单选题】handed in a draft "Code of Conduct on Information Security".
【A】:China only
【B】:The United States
【C】:China (and some other countries)

22、My lovely hometown is located on the south shore of an island.It.s a small town with only about 9,000 people and an area of about 3.8 square miles.
First,I want to talk about the people in the neighborhood.Generally speaking,people are very nice here,especially in the summer.I feel that in the summer everyone is in a great mood,and very generous.For example,one summer afternoon,I was at the gas station filling up my car and was short of money.Generously an old gentleman gave me the money to pay the gas attendant.That.s the type of people you can expect from my hometown.
The greatest part about the town,in my opinion,is the location.The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it.s fantastic.Another great thing is how close everybody lives to each other.With it being such a small town,all my friends live five minutes away,which is a great advantage to me and everyone else.Lastly,the nightlife is great.On any Saturday night every bar is packed with people,so there.s always something going on.
So far I.ve explained the good side of my hometown,but there are also some boring things about it.It is great in the summer,but it is a different story in the winter.When winter comes around,the town turns into a "ghost town".This is because there is nowhere to go.The only thing we have is a shopping center.It would be nice if we had a few more options to choose from.
22-1、My lovely hometown is located on the north shore of an island.

22-2、In my opinion,in the summer everyone in my hometown is in a great mood,and very generous.

22-3、I don.t think it a great advantage that all my friends live five minutes away.

22-4、On any Saturday night every bar is full of people.

22-5、When winter comes around,we still have many options to choose from.

23、Have others review your resume and offer helpful advice.

24、But I have no idea what they would like to put up on their walls.

25、Some children want to test their parents.or society.s limits.

26、It.s busy during summer,so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommended.

27、There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulations.

—Do you mind if I ask you why you choose to be a volunteer?
---you know,there are many foreign customers like you here.
【A】:Never mind
【B】:Of course
【C】:Of course not.

Mom,Ihave got the first prize!
【A】:Really?it is not true
【B】:Oh,don’t say that
【C】:Great! I am so proud of you!

-I am Paul.Can i have your name?
【A】:I am new here
【B】:I am 30 years old.
【C】:My name is Linda

Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?
【A】:No, I already have my plans.
【B】:I.d love to, but I.m busy today.
【C】:I.m ill, so I shouldn.t go out.

Wow! This is great!
【A】:So do I.
【B】:Don’t mention it.
【C】:I agree with you. You are right.

Knowing about oneself is the first step tosuccess.

Besides,there are manythere,both historic and modern.
【A】:places of interest
【B】:parking places
【C】:shopping malls

The doctor heard a recorded message and then went to theroom.

These MOOCs make it possible for people to their learning any place around the world.
【A】:figure out
【B】:carry out
【C】:work out

It is common practice now the web for resources and information for homework.
【A】:to search

He speaks German,but his native is French.

You make the reservation,and I.llit in writing.

We can actthe interview.

is the weekend.