— I heard you had attended an activity for environmental protection. Can you talk about it?

— __________
单选题 (10 分) 10分
I.m afraid to

Certainly,I.d like to.it is about the Earth Hour

It is lovely

— Would you like to go to attend the conference on global warming with me?

— ______, but I should finish my homework first.
单选题 (10 分) 10分
It’s hard to say

You.re welcome

I.d love to

It will cost time to paint the old furniture.
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I.ll never forget the days I worked together with you.
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Milk cartons are unburnable trash. 1
2. Everyday Henry can leave his rubbish outside as he wishes. 2
3. Plastics would harm the environment if you were to burn them. 3
4. You can leave batteries and clothes once every week. 4
5. Henry can just leave all his rubbish outside his apartment without putting them into a bag. 5


While there are still many people who don.t feel comfortable using a credit card to buy over the Internet, e-commerce is absolutely here to stay. If you take a few precautions buying over the Internet can actually be safer than using your credit card in a restaurant.

Just as you should notice your surroundings and suspicious-looking people when withdrawing (提取) money from an ATM, you should know how to recognize the warning signs of Internet tricks and take steps to avoid being a victim when shopping online. Here are some good tips to remember when shopping online:

Before submitting your personal information to a site, try to find out how the information may be used and whether it will be sold to or shared with other businesses. If you don.t like what you read, shop somewhere else.

Don.t provide personal information such as address , telephone number, social security number , or e-mail address unless you know who you are providing the information for, why it. s being requested , and how it will be used .

Use a credit card, not a debit card (借记卡) for shopping on the internet. Debit cards don.t have the same protection as credit cards.

Carefully review your credit card and bank statement each month for unknown charges and inform your credit card company or bank immediately if you notice any charges you didn.t know about.

Clean your computer with free online software that detects spy-ware and install a firewall (防火墙) to ensure the sites you shop on don. t install spy-ware on your computer.

While shopping online, you should 1

A. be sure nobody is standing beside you

B. only shop at the site that you have often visited

C. find out how the personal information willbe used

D. never provide personal information

2. According to the passage, if you find your credit card has unexplained charges, you should 2

A. tell your credit card company as soon as possible

B. change your credit card code number immediately

C. check all the websites you have visited

D. use a debit card instead of a credit card

3. The underlined word "precaution" in Paragraph One means something done to 3 .

A. make suspicious—looking people go away

B. protect you against loss or possible dangers

C. remind you to obey the rules when sopping online

D. avoid being cheated when eating in a restaurant

4. What is not advised by the writer when shopping online? 4

A. Using credit cards.

B. Installing a firewall.

C. Visiting famous websites.

D. Being very careful.

5. What. s the writer. s purpose in writing this passage? 5

A. To suggest a new way of shopping.

B. To tell us the advantages of shopping online.

C. To tell us how to shop safely online.

D. To tell us how to avoid being cheated.

What is the first thing Lucy would consider when buying a car?

Why will Lucy pay attention to the fuel consumption of the car?

Why would Lucy rather choose a smaller car?

Why are some environmentally-friendly cars expensive?

— Could you recommend some famous architectural buildings to visit in China?

— _______
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No,I couldn.t.

Yes ,it is.

I highly recommend the Bird.s Nest.

Well, the design manager is ____ by your CV and he wants you to be in his team.
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It was the Louvre Pyramid_____ brought him worldwide fame.
单选题 (10 分) 10分




In capsule hotels, each guest stays in a small sleeping space called capsule. It measures about 2 meters in length and1 meter in both width and height.

It is a type of hotel first developed in Japan intended to provide cheap, basic overnight accommodation for guests who do not require the services offered by traditional hotels. Facilities differ, but most include a television and wireless internet connection. There are many buttons in the capsule. One turns on the light, one turns on the TV, one controls the channels. There is a radio and an alarm clock built in. The open end of the capsule can be closed, for privacy, with a curtain or a fiber glass door. Luggage is stored in a locker. Clothes and shoes are sometimes exchanged for a yukata and slippers on entry. Washrooms are communal. Guests are asked not to smoke or eat in the capsules. Some hotels also provide restaurants (or at least vending machines), pools, and other entertainment facilities. Capsules are used primarily by men. Some capsule hotels offer separate sections for male and female guests.

The benefits of these hotels are convenience and price, usually around ¥2000-4000 (USD 25-50) a night. They provide a place for those who may be too drunk to return home safely. About 30% at the Capsule Hotel were unemployed or underemployed and were renting capsules by the month. It was first offered to salary men who had missed the last train home, but now it is also popular with travelers from all over the world. Therefore, it.s going to gain more popularity.

The space of each capsule is quite 1 .

A. large

B. capacious

C. limited

2. Most capsules are not equipped with 2 in the small sleeping space.

A. a TV

B. washrooms

C. wireless internet connection

3.Capsule hotels were first developed in 3 .

A. Japan

B. China


4.The benefits of these hotels do not include 4 .

A. convenience

B. comfort

C. price

5.The writer has a 5 attitude towards capsule hotels.

A. positive

B. negative

C. neutral

完形填空题 (50 分) 50 分

_____more than one hundred elements are known,only twenty—five of them are common and important.

A. Because
B. Although
C. If
D. Whether