What kind of food does Yunling like best? A.Hotdogs. B.Sandwich. C.Pizza.
Madison thinks that most traditional Korean food is A.sweet B.salty C.spicy
What does Fabian say that his friends are going to have for lunch? A.Fast food B.Korean food C.Chinese food
From the last dialogue, we know that__. A.the girl has good reason to complain, because Graham is always late. B.the time of their appointment was inconvenient to Graham C.Graham is only late this time because of a traffic accident
What might Graham do to make up for being late? A.They will have dinner together and have a good time. B He will bribe his friend with a box of chocolates. C.He will take her out to go to a movie.
Why does the girl (in the last dialogue) feel bad? A.Graham is late for the appointment. B.Graham is trying to end their friendship. C.Graham forgot to take her out to dinner again.
Will Graham eventually give up? A.No, he finds his work very tough, but he will keep trying. B.Yes, he has read a lot and now he can hardly finish his experiment. C.No, he can not figure out his problem himself and he will ask for help.
According to Fabian, what should a real friend do? A.He hopes Graham will do better next time. B.He is eager to contact Graham to share his own happiness. C.He believes that Graham won.t feel as happy as he does for his success.
Why does Fabian say that Graham is a real friend? A.Graham never hesitates to help those in trouble. B.Graham is always there for Fabian, no matter whether he is happy or sad. C.Graham has just lost a game, but he tried to hide his sadness.
Why do you think Fabian and Graham are good friends? A.Graham is trying to be the first one to go to the ceremony. B.Graham always hopes that he will win the competition. C. They love to share both good and bad moments.
Would Madison tell her friend the truth? A.She wouldn.t tell her friend that she is not losing any weight. B.She would not hurt her friend, but she would be honest and tell her the real facts. C.She would respect her friend and not tell her she actually put on more weight.
According to Graham, which of the following is important among friends? A Telling white lies, if necessary. B Being honest with respect. C.Trying your best to help your friend.