(单选题) The term “ Angry Y oung Man” came to be widely used only after the publication of ( ) play Look Back in Anger (1956).(本题3.5分) A、 John Osborne’s B、 Kingsley Amis’s C、 Allen Ginsberg’s D、 Jack Kerouac’s
(单选题) ( ) poem Howl, written in 1956, was regardedas an important development in American poetry.(本题3.5分) A、 John Osborne’s B、 Kingsley Amis’s C、 Allen Ginsberg’s D、 Jack Kerouac’s
(单选题) ( ) is known as the first “ cubist” novel: in his novels , one finds a precise, neutral descr iption of things, registered with a camera’s eye.(本题3.5分) A、 Samuel Beckett B、 Nathalie Sarraute C、 Jean-Paul Sartre D、 Alain Robbe-Grille
(单选题) ( ) masterpiece was a play called Waiting for Godot (1952), which was rememdered as one of the most famous Absurd Drama.(本题3.5分) A、 Nathalie Sarraute’s B、 Samuel Beckett’s C、 Jean-Paul Sartre’s D、 Alain Robbe-Grillet’s
(单选题) Two major elements in European culture are ( ) .(本题3.5分) A、 the Greek and Roman B、 the Judaism and Christianity C、 the Greco-Roman D、 A and B
(单选题) ( ) deals with the Trojan War (the Greek states led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy ).(本题3.5分) A、 The Odyssey B、 The Iliad C、 Prometheus Bound D、 Persians
(单选题) The play Prometheus Bound was written by ( ).(本题3.5分) A、 Aeschylus B、 Aristophanes C、 Euripides D、 Sophocles
(单选题) The best writer of comedy of the ancient Greece was ( ) , who is Father of Comedy.(本题3.5分) A、 Euripides B、 Aristophanes C、 Sophocles D、 Aeschylus
(单选题) ( ) is the essence of the Renaissance.(本题3.5分) A、 The revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture B、 Attempts to get rid of conservatism C、 The flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture D、 Humanism
(单选题) Fracesco Petrarch, the author of ( ), is known as Father of Humanism.(本题3.5分) A、 the Decameron B、 Canzoniers C、 David D、 Sleeping Venus
(单选题) ( ) reacted against impressionism by using color to suggest his own emoyion and temperament.(本题3.0分) A、 Paul Cézanne B、 Paul Gauguin C、 V incent van Gogh D、 Auguste Rodin
(单选题) In Freudian system, ( ) is the container of the instrinctual urges.(本题3.0分) A、 Id B、 Ego C、 Superego D、 Oedipus Comlex
(单选题) T.S. Eliot’s long poem ( ) is his major contibution to English poetry.(本题3.0分) A、 the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock B、 Four Quartets C、 the Waste Land D、 imagism
(单选题) ( ) by James Joyce is considered his most mature work and the single best fiction ever written since the beginning of the 20th century.(本题3.0分) A、 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B、 Dubliners C、 Finnegans Wake D、 Ulysses
(单选题) The term “ Angry Y oung Man” came to be widely used only after the publication of ( ) play Look Back in Anger (1956).(本题3.0分) A、 John Osborne’s B、 Kingsley Amis’s C、 Allen Ginsberg’s D、 Jack Kerouac’s