1、(单选、2.5分) — How.s your mother doing? — _________ A、She is very kind. B、She is very well. C、She is not very old. D、She is doing shopping now.
2、(单选、2.5分) — How much is this blue tablecloth? — _________ A、The green one is better. B、Ten dollars and thirty cents. C、It.s cheap. D、Yes. It.s beautiful.
3、(单选、2.5分) — It is cold today. What would you like to do this afternoon? — _________ A、I don.t think so. B、Yes, it.s cold. But spring is coming. C、I need my coat, please. D、Yes, it.s too cold, so I don.t feel like going out today.
4、(单选、2.5分) — Have a nice trip! — _________ A、You have it too. B、You do too. C、The same as you. D、The same to you.
5、(单选、2.5分) — I prefer the red dress. — _________ A、You have a very good taste! B、I respect your work! C、You have a very successful business! D、You wife is very charming!
6、(单选、2.5分) — Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? — ____________ A、Of course. B、Of course not. C、I am sorry to hear that D、Yes. I’m busy now.
7、(单选、2.5分) —You don’t have to play the radio so loud, do you? —_____. A、Oh, that’s nothing B、It’s very kind of you to say so C、Oh, I can’t apologize enough D、Be careful
8、(单选、2.5分) — I think the language lab is very helpful in improving our English. — ___________ A、Yes, I don’t like English B、It’s a very good idea. C、Neither do I. D、I can’t agree with you more.
9、(单选、2.5分) — That’s a beautiful cat. I wonder whom it belongs to. — ___________ A、It belongs to the Browns. B、The cat is my favorite too. C、Mind your own business. D、I can’t say anything more.
10、(单选、2.5分) —What a surprise! You changed your hair style. —Well, I’m going to get married next Saturday. —_____ A、Oh, my! Congratulations! B、What? I’m so surprised. C、How’s everything going? D、Where will you get married?
11、(单选、2.5分) He cut his hand________. A、in accident B、by accident C、on accident D、for accident
12、(单选、2.5分) “Do you enjoy ________ beside me?” she asked coldly. A、sitting B、seating C、to sit D、to seat
13、(单选、2.5分) If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so _________. A、difficulty B、difficult C、difference D、differen
14、(单选、2.5分) Will you help me when I am________? A、in trouble B、out of trouble C、in difficult D、have problem
15、(单选、2.5分) He went to his father and _________ some money. A、ask for B、asked C、asked for D、asked about