When someone gives you a present, it is very (1)______ to neglect to thank him for it. If it is given to you personally, you may thank him right away, though a note of thanks or a(n) (2)______ reference to the gift in a later letter always gives pleasure. If the gift is sent to you, you should write a letter of (3)______ at once. Try to thank of the things you like about the gift and mention (4)______ in the letter. Polite (5)______ in China demand that a person stand up when anyone enters a room or when anyone hands him something. In the West people do not stand up nearly so frequently. When you are (6)______ a cup of tea or something to eat, for example, it is not correct to rise or even to make a slight rising movement. Remain seated and receive it with a slight (7)______ of the head and a smile and say, "Thank you." If you are a man you must rise (8)______ feet when a lady comes up but not otherwise. A lady rises only when she is (9)______ to the host or to the guest of honor, or to a considerably older woman, not otherwise. In China we use two hands when giving something to a person, or when receiving it, if we want to be very (10)______. 1.A. polite B. thoughtful C. impolite D. attentive 2.A. slight B. uneasy C. excessive D. appreciative 3.A. thanks B. reply C. answers D. attitude 4.A. them B. thank C. it D. kindness 5.A. tastes B. manners C. circumstances D. habits 6.A. introduced B. offered C. asked D. suggested 7.A. inclination B. affection C. intention D. attention 8.A. to B. from C. up D. at 9. A. called B. introduced C. suggested D. asked 10.A. careful B. polite C. graceful D. civilized
Many men tried to fly like birds. They made wings for themselves, usually of feather and tried to fly (1)______ moving their arms as a bird (2)______ None of them was successful. A bird has a very light body but very strong wing muscles. A man on the contrary has a (3)______ body and not very strong arm muscles. A man will never fly like a bird. His muscles are not (4)______. He can only fly properly in a plane with an engine. There is a kind of plane that doesn.t have an engine. It (5)______ a glider. It.s pulled into the air, rather like (6)______ a kite. If there is a good wind, it can (7)______ into the air and sometimes cover long distances. Some men didn’t find sitting in a glider (8)______. They wanted to glide by (9)______ wings, like the "bird men" of old time. But the wings of the modern "bird men" were different. They were straight and strong. They weren’t (10)______ feathers. 1. A. by B. through C. with D. in 2. A. moves B. does C. has D. looks 3. A. strong B. light C. heavy D. big 4. A. strong enough B. enough strong C. light enough D. hard enough 5. A. is spoken B. is said C. is called D. is named 6. A. fly B. flying C. to fly D. putting 7. A. rise B. raise C. run D. rush 8. A. so excited B. too excited C. exciting enough D. very excited 9. A. being B. doing C. having on D. wearing 10. A. made from B. made into C. made of D. make of
Too much noise may be dangerous to your health. A number of studies have shown that living or working where there is a great deal of noise can cause hearing loss. But there also is a (1)______ amount of scientific evidence showing that continued loud noise may cause other medical problems. These (2)______ high blood pressure, nervous disorders, learning problems, difficulty in sleeping and, possibly, even birth defects and some kinds of heart disease. One test showed that the dangers (3)______ people who spend a lot of time listening to loud music. A New York City doctor studied 70 young persons who work in popular dancing and drinking places (4)______ music is played loudly. She found that more than 30 percent of them had suffered great and permanent hearing loss. Normally, she said, less than one percent of people (5)______ suffer such loss. The doctor, Jane Madell, also studied a group of 40 New York City firemen. All had worked near loud warning sirens on fire trucks (6)______ . Doctor Madell found that 75 percent of them had suffered a severe hearing loss. Doctors said some persons are more likely than others to suffer hearing loss (7)______continued loud noise. But they said they can not learn which persons face the most danger after permanent hearing damage has been done. Another scientist discovered that loud noise (8)______ to limit a child.s ability to learn. The scientist Arlene Brunzapt studied students at a New York City school near a busy railroad. Students in rooms near the railroad had difficulty (9)______ to read. This was not true with the students in quieter parts of the school. After steps were (10)______ to reduce the train noise, a new study found that the reading problem had disappeared. 1. A. grow B. growth C. growing D. growingly 2. A. include B. concern C. compose D. constitute 3. A. facing B. faced C. facing with D. faced with 4. A. that B. there C. when D. where 5. A. that age B. with that age C. At that age D. at the age 6. A. for ten years or more B. for ten more years   C. for ten years more D. for more ten years 7. A. of B. after C. from D. due to 8. A. happens B. appears C. occurs D. emerges 9. A. in learning B. to learn C. with learning D. of learning 10. A. taken B. made C. adopted D. employed
Ben was a poor man with a large family. One morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his home. The wood belonged to a rich gentleman, and Ben had no right to go there. But, in the wood there were lots of rabbits and birds that were good to eat, and Ben determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the woo d there was a look of anger on the rich man.s face as he saw the gun in Ben.s hands. Ben.s heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly up to these people and said to the gentleman, "good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?" the rich man, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite for their breakfast. Then, looking at Ben with suspicion (怀疑), he said, “but why are you so early in the morning? Well, sir,” said Ben, “I just come out to see if i could get a breakfast for my appetite." the whole crowd burst into laughter at Ben.s ready wit, and with a smile the rich man walked on. Leaving Ben to try his luck with the rabbits. 1. This is a story about ______. A. a rich man who owned a big wood B. a poor man who lived all by himself C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat for his breakfast D. a hunter with a large family 2. One morning Ben went to a wood ______. A. to get a little exercise B. to take in some fresh air C. hoping to get something to eat D. to visit the rich owner 3. There was a look of anger on the rich man.s face. Why? A. he was not expecting Ben at this early hour. B. he knew Ben was there hunting. C. he didn.t like the poor man at all. D. Ben had not told him he would come. 4. Why was the rich man surprised? A. he had not expected such a bold question from Ben. B. he wondered why Ben didn.t run away. C. Ben wasn.t afraid of him. D. Ben had a gun in his hands. 5. Ben.s ______ made the whole crowd burst into laughter. A. funny looks B. interesting words C. quick and witty response D. promise to leave right away
It is understood that a ballad is a song that tell a story, but a folk song is not so easily define d a ballad is a folk song, but a folk song is not a ballad until it tells a story. Folk song then has included many kinds of music for example, a sailor.s song of the sea is a folk song. The blues, a type of jazz popular in new orleans, may be a folk song. In fact, there are folk songs for every job "home on the range" shows how a popular song may be come a folk song. It was first picked up as a folk song in 1910 by john lomax in san antonio, texas. Lomax heard the song from an old man who had been a cook many years before. The song was known all over the midwest though it did not come to national attention until the early 1930s. By 1947 "home on the range" was so popular that it be came the official state song of kansas. 1. A folk song is also a ballad when it ______. A. tells a story B. is sung by workers C. makes the listeners feel sad D. covers many kinds of music 2. According to the author, which of the following is not always a folk song? A. ballad B. sailor.s song. C. a state song D. a goatherd.s song. 3. A c cording to the passage, which of the following is not true of a folk song? A. it is passed on orally. B. it has different forms. C. it may talk about work. D. it is found only in the western states. 4. The author uses the example of the " home on the range " to show that folk songs ______. A. always tells a story B. are based on written forms C. may come from popular songs D. have be come state, songs 5. The main topic of the passage is the ______. A. different kinds of folk songs B. development of popular music C. definition of a ballad D. importance of folk songs in american life
Robert is nine years old and joanna is seven. They live at mountebenezer. Their father has a big property. In australia they call a farm a property. Robert and joanna like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends but robert and joanna cannot see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300, miles away and like robert and joanna, they all go to school by radio. Mountebenezer is in the centre of australia not many people live in "the centre". There are no schools with desks and blackboards and no teachers in "the centre". School is a room at home with a two-way radio. The teacher also has a two-way radio. Every morning she calls each student on the radio. When all students answer, lessons begin...think of your teacher 300 miles away! The children in "the centre" do not go to a school because ______. A. they live too far away from one another B. they do not like school C. they are not old enough to go to school D. their families are too poor 2. In order to send their children to school, parents in "the centre” of australia must have ______. A a property B. a car C. a school room at home D. a special radio 3. Teachers in "the centre" of australia teach ______. A. not in a classroom but at the homes of the students B. by speaking only and not showing anything in writing C. without using any textbooks or pictures D. without knowing whether the students are attending 4. When children are having a lesson, they can hear their teacher ______. A. but their teacher cannot hear them B. and their teacher can hear them too C. but cannot hear their schoolmates D. and see him or her at the same time 5. A "property" in australia is a ______. A. house B. school C. farm D. radio
The world has never been more closely and intricately connected. Our behavior (1)_____ the environment we all share, and we are tied into a global economy and global communication system: (2)_____ choosing to buy one garment rather than another we help determine whether someone on the other side of the world retains or (3)_____ their job; we can (4)_____ with others anywhere via satellites,the Internet and the mobile phone. This interdependency, (5)_____"connexity",is the defining characteristic of the world today. (6)_____,despite convexity,human beings have also never been more separate. Belief in individual rights and freedoms is at the heart of the West.s world view. People nowadays insist their freedom to choose (7)_____ to live, who to love, what to consume and what to believe. In economics, the power of the consumer and the shareholder is huge. In politics, the power of nations remains a (8)_____ concern. In his book Geoff Mulgan argues that our freedom and our connectedness are set on a  collision course and argues that the (9)_____ way out of our current impasse(僵局)is to go beyond our sense of ourselves as (10)_____ units, and recognize the webs of mutual responsibility in which we live. 1. A. harms B. influences C. beautifies        D. dominates 2. A. At B. In C. By D. Of 3. A. keeps B. gets        C. loses D. gains 4. A. link B. connect C. combine D. communicate 5. A. an B. or C. else D. also 6. A. Thus B. once C. But D. Since 7. A. when B. what C. how D. while 8. A. crucial B. social C. curious D. serious 9. A. just B. another C. only D. one 10. A. isolated B. isolation C. isolating D. isolate
Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect a power struggle. Conflicts between parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many american parents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent-training courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive. But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is right. Arguments may concern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sexual behavior. Some families have serious problems with teenagers who drop out of school, run away from home, or use illegal drugs. Be cause so much publicity is given to the problem teenager, one gets the impression that all teenagers are trouble-makers. Actually, relatively few adolescents do anything wrong, and nearly all grow up into "solid citizens" who fulfill most of their parents. expectations. In fact, re cent studies show that the "generation gap" is narrowing. The vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents. values and ideas. Many parents feel that they ~et along with their adolescents quite well. 1. A c cording to the writer, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect ______. A. feelings of hatred B. power struggle C. that they don.t care for each other D. that they may appeal to divorce 2. As children enter adolescents, they begin to do the following except ______. A. demanding greater freedom to go where they please B. making decisions without parental interference C. getting married whenever they please D. doing what they please 3. "... Generation gap is narrowing " means ______. A. the adolescents now be come timid B. parents used to get along with their children C. the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents. values and ideas D. parents and teenagers don.t like to quarrel 4. Parents and children often disagree about what is important or right be cause ______. A. they have different styles of life B. they hate each other C. parents think that their children are troublemakers D. they are in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values 5. When many american parents don.t know how to deal with their children they seek advice from the following except ______. A. neighbors B. parent-training course C. books D. lectures
  Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community, so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area.s city councilwoman (女议员) was leading  a discussion about how the quality of life was de creasing . The neighborhood faced many problems.     Mark looked at the charts taped to the walls. There are charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman.     It was too much for mark. “the problems are too big," he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, "i think this is a waste of my time. Nothing i could do would make a difference here."     mark thought some more on his way to the bus stop. "people should just take care of themselves,” he decided "that.s enough to do. I can.t take on all the problems of the world"     as he neared the bus stop, mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn.t have a free hand as mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out. Mark ran to take the boy.s arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "thanks!" she said “you’ve got great timing!"     “just being neighborly," mark said as he rode home, he glanced at the walls of the bus. On one of them was “small acts of kindness add up." mark smiled and thought, “maybe that.s a good place to start."     1. It is known from the passage that _________.      A. mark played an active part in community activities      B. the city councilwoman was responsible for the falling of life quality      C. visual aids were used to display the seriousness of problems      D. many people were discouraged by the many problems facing them     2. In mark.s opinion , ___________.      A. nobody was so able as to solve the problems      B. he was not in the position to solve such problems      C. many people were too selfish to think about others      D. he already had more than enough work to do     3. The word "darted" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by _________.      A. " walked " B. " marched " C. "wandered " D. " dashed "     4. What is the implication of the words on the bus wall?      A. you should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way.      B. everyone can play his own part to make things better.      C. all small acts will add up to kindness.      D. it.s a small a ct to help a person in nee d     5. The passage is mainly about ____________.      A. how individuals can help make a difference      B. running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problems      C. citizens. reactions to the problems they face      D. solving problems through group action
In the water around New York city is a very small island called liberty island on liberty  island is a very special statue called statue of liberty. It is one of the most famous sights in the world     the statue of liberty was a gift from the people of france to the people of the united states. The statue was made by a french sculptor named frederic auguste bartholdi. The inner support system was designed by gustave eiffel, the same man who made the famous eiffel tower in paris.      Liberty, of course, means freedom, and the statue of liberty was given to the united states to celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of u. S. Independence from england the statue was built in france, taken apart piece by pie ce, and then rebuilt in the united states. It was opened for the public on october 28, 1886.      As you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground to the bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful sight of new york.     1. A good title for this passage is ______.     A. Famous sights in the world     B. Liberty island     C. The statue of liberty     D. A gift from france     2. The word "sight" in the first para means ______.      A. a small present or gift      B. a kind of post card      C. the power of seeing      D. something that you can see     3. The statue was built ______.      A in france      B. in the united states      C. in england      d on liberty island     4. We may conclude that the elevator does not ______.      A. go fast enough      B. cost lots of money      C. go to the top      D. both a and b     5. The man who made the part of the statue that we can see on the outside was ______.      A. an unknown architect      B. bartholdi      C. eiffel      D. both a and b
Every language used daily by ordinary people is constantly changing. English is no exception. Perhaps one of the best ways to observe the changes in the English language is to read a passage that people have translated into English at different periods over the centuries.     English is only one of two or three dozen languages which seem to have a common ancestor. The language from which English developed is called indo-European (印欧语系 ). No one now alive has ever heard or read indo-European. We merely suppose it must have existed be cause of the resemblance (相似) of the languages that we think must have come from it.     English has probably borrowed more words from other languages than has any other language. Thousands of words from French and Latin have entered English vocabulary. The borrowing even continues today. The contacts first with American Indians and then with Spanish speaking people have enriched (使丰富) English greatly. Words from German and other  languages can be found in English, too. We can even find borrowed words in it from Arabian and Chinese.     1. Which of the following statements is true?      A. English has remained the same.      B. some languages are changing.      C. English is changing constantly.      D. many languages changed very little.     2. The best way to find the changes in English language is ______.      A. to read a passage that has a long history      B. to look at a passage that is ordinary      C. to translate a passage into English      D. to compare the translations of a passage at different times     3. We know that ______.      A. a few languages seem to have a common ancestor      B. more than twenty languages come from the same ancestor      C. hundreds of languages share the same origin      D. a great many of languages have a lot in common     4. We assume (假设) indo-European must have existed be cause ______.      A. there are languages resembling it now      B. few people can speak it now      C. no one can speak it now      D. many people can speak it now     5. A c cording to the passage, ______ has borrowed heavily from other languages.      A. Chinese      B. Arabian      C. Latin      D. English
A grown-up person has ten or eleven pints (品脱) of blood inside his or her body. We can lose a pint of blood without feeling anything, but if we lose a great deal of blood, we feel weak and cold our face be comes pale. We may die.     This is what often happens when somebody is hurt in an accident, or a soldier is wounded in a battle. Many people used to die in this way. But nowadays they can be taken to hospital and given more blood almost at once they feel better. Their faces are no longer pale. They do not die.     Where does this blood come from? People who are healthy give some blood so that it can be used in this way. Every three months they go to a place where blood is collected a special kind of needle is put into the arm. It does not hurt. The blood runs through the needle and through a rubber tube into a bottle. A pint of blood is taken in this way. Then the person who has given the blood drinks a cup of tea or coffee. He sits down for a few minutes. Then he feels quite well and goes off. Three months later he comes back and gives another pint.     A person who gives blood in this way feels happy. He knows that his blood will be used to save someone.s life. Perhaps one day he himself will need blood     when you are older, you may decide to give blood in this way. But you cannot do this until you are eighteen.     1. There are ______ in the body of a grown up.      A. ten pints of blood      B. ten or eleven pints of blood      C. ten and eleven pints of blood      D. more than ten pints of blood     2. When people who have lost a lot of blood ______, they feel better very quickly.      A. are given more blood      B. are given good treatment      C. are taken good care of      D. are given a long rest     3. When someone gives blood, the blood is collected ______.      A. in a rubber tube      B. in a glass bottle      C. through a device      D. through a special kind of needle     4. A person who has given blood can give blood again ______.      A. after sixty days      B. every three weeks      C. after three months      D. more than three months     5. A person cannot give blood if he is ______.      A. twenty      B. a student      C. no more than eighteen      D. strong enough
  When she first arrived, anne was very warm and friendly toward helen, but she was also very strict. She saw it as her job to civilize (教化)this child and teach her to truly master her world anne spelled simple words into helen.s hand she gave helen a doll and then spelled the word d-o-l-l into her hand but for several weeks helen did not truly understand she confused similar ideas such as milk and mug ?the liquid and its container.     Then one day, when helen was feeling especially frustrated (沮丧) and angry, anne stopped their lesson and took the little girl outside to the well and began to pump water from it. As water was flowing out, the teacher spelled w-a-t-e-r into helen.s hand and suddenly, like a light in the darkness, helen understood that her new friend was giving a name to the cool liquid that flowed into her hand instantly she needed to know the name of everything, and before the day was over she had learned hundreds of names including her own, her teacher.s, her mother.s, her father.s and her sister.s. Even more importantly, she had learned that everything has a name.     Years later she referred to this incident as the moment when she was reborn.     1. Anne was very strict with helen, because she wanted to teach the child ______.      A. how to spell simple words and master the world      B. how to master the world and behave properly      C. how to behave properly and understand things around her      D. how to understand everything and behave properly     2. For the first few weeks, helen hardly learnt anything, be cause ______.      A. anne spelled only simple words into helen.s hands      B. helen confused milk and mug      C. anne gave helen a doll and spelled the word d-o-l-l      D. helen did not really see her teacher’s point     3. One day, anne stopped her lesson and took helen to the well ______.      A. probably to pump some water      B. probably to let helen have a rest      C. probably to change her teaching method      D. probably to let water flow into helen.s hands     4. The significance(意义) of the incident that day was that ______.      A. helen came to know every one of her family      B. helen came to know the name of everything      C. helen learnt hundreds of words      D. helen learnt that everything has a name     5. Years later helen referred to this incident as the moment when she was reborn, because ______ from then on.      A. she began a life completely new      B. she was given a life again      C. she began to live like a human being      D. she was given a light in the darkness
  Some people do not like anything to be out of place. They are never later for work. They return their books to the library on time. They remember people.s birthdays, and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Ro ck is such a person.     Mr. Ro ck works in a bank, and lives on his own. The only family he has is in the next town. His sister lives there with her husband, and her son, mark. Mr. Rock does not see his sister or her family every year, but he sends them Christmas cards and he has not forgotten one of mark.s seventeen birthdays.     Last week mr. Rock had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast. He parked his car where he always parked it, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Ro ck opened the door only to find a policeman on the door-step.     "have i done anything wrong?" mr. Rock asked himself. "have i driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have i forgotten to pay an important bill?"     "hello, uncle," said the policeman. "my name is mark. I.m your nephew."     1. Mr. Ro ck is a person who does the following except ______.      A. put things in order      B. go to work early      C. visit friends regularly      D. pay the bills in time     2. Which of the following is not true?      A. mr. Rock lives by himself.      B. mr. Rock.s sister has a family.      C. mr. Rock.s sister lives not very far away.      D. mr. Rock visits his sister quite often.     3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?      A. he drove very fast.      B. he made his meal after he got into the house.      C. he drove very slowly.      D. he parked his car at a wrong place.     4. Mr. Rock was surprised to see a policeman be cause ______.      A. something was wrong in the bank      B. he did not know what to say      C. the policeman wanted to ask him a question      D. he did not do anything wrong     5. From the story we can infer (推断) that ______.      A. mr. Rock had not seen his nephew for a long time      B. mr. Rock did not like to see the young man C. mr. Rock was a shy person      D. mark came to visit his uncle regularly
The favorite food in the united states is the hamburger(汉堡包). The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant. At fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurant, people can order their food, pay for it and pi ck it up without leaving their cars.     There are many kinds of fast food restaurant in the united states. The greatest in number sell hamburgers, French fries (油炸马铃薯片) and so on. They are popular food among Americans. Besides, fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice- cream are very many. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one.     Fast food restaurants are popular be cause they reflect (反映) American lifestyle. Customers can wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. Second, they are fast. People who are busy do not want to spend their time preparing their own food or waiting while someone prepares it. In fast food restaurant the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people are able to buy and eat at a fast food restaurant often, while they may not be able to go to a more expensive restaurant very often.     1. Hamburgers and French fries can be got at ______ the fast food restaurants.      A. some of      B. most of      C. a part of      D. all of     2. What do people do when they come to a fast food restaurant?      A. they order and eat their food at the restaurant.      B. they buy and take their food out and eat it in their cars or in their homes.      C. they order, pay for and get their food in their cars.      D. they do one of the three above-mentioned things.     3. Why do Americans like to go to fast food restaurants?      A. it is be cause fast food restaurant are fast, informal (不拘礼节的), and inexpensive.      B. it is be cause people can easily find fast food restaurant.      C. it is be cause people like to eat hamburgers.      D. it is be cause fast food restaurants sell nearly every kinds of food     4. Is the food in fast food restaurants always ready before the customers order it?      A yes, it is. B no, it is seldom ready.      C yes, it is cooked to order. D no. Not always, but usual.     5. Seafood and ice- cream are served at all fast food restaurants, aren.t they?      A certainly. B yes, they are.      C no, i.m afraid not. D no. Only at a few of them.