If the for using the information highway are too high, interactivity ma widen the gap between the poor and the rich. A. money B. fare C. fee D. tolls
He was much an anthropologist a linguist A. as…as B. so…as C. 不填,than D. 不填,like
The little town looked the same way A. so B. much C. such D. many
But as the amount of data and the demand for them , these electronic highways have become clogged. The solution: fiber optic. A. are increasing B. increased C. have increased D. would have increased
When I awoke on the morning of Sunday, the 22nd, the news to me of Hitler’s invasion of Russia. A. bring B. is brought C. brought D. was brought
Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar everyone. A. with B. to C. for D. as
Beam it out and make a small by charging an untold number of viewers a fee for watching. A. fortnight B. fortitude C. fortune D. forum
The inhabitants were still in the state. A. violent B. fierce C. savage D. sausage
Upon his return to the states the book version of his travel “The innocents Abroad”, an best—seller. A. was B. has become C. had become D. became
It is to survive in this city A. humiliating B. humble C. noble D. humiliated
Not least was the _____ problem of her feminism. A. preachy B. tricky C. calling D. submit
At the battle of waterloo, Napoleon’s forces under the attack of Wellingtons troop. A. wandered B. removed C. surrounded D. retreated
No journal or periodical could sell a single issue today if it _ itself to the American language of twenty-eight years ago. A. restrained B. restricted C. prohibited D. ignored
The earthen floor, hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo\ A. beaten, 不填 B. beaten, which C. beating, 不填 D. beating, which
At home, viewers may have to learn to use TV monitor that functions more like a computer screen fronting for a hand disc full of all kinds of data. A. 不填 B. a C. the D. an