[单选题,7.6分] With a cry, Peter raised his axe and struck ________, burying it in the dog.s massive head. A.up and down B.at stake C.with all his strength D.at his best
[单选题,7.6分] U.S. stocks pared back ________ losses Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said the economy was "sluggish" even before last week.s terrorist attacks. A.descending B.abrupt C.downhill D.steep
[单选题,7.6分] You ________ him about this since he could find out for himself. A.needn.t tell B.need tell C.need have told D.needn.t have told
[单选题,7.6分] As he ________ the conclusion, he lost the good chance to earn more money. A.came to B.arrived at C.leaped to D.reached
[单选题,7.6分] Ever since the invention of television there hasn.t been anything as begging to become a ________ as the Internet. A.means B.medium C.material D.media
[单选题,7.6分] He was knocked down by a car and badly ________. A.injured B.damaged C.harmed D.ruined
[单选题,7.6分] Online courses require students to make decisions ________ on facts as well as experience. A.to base B.basing C.based D.being based
[单选题,7.6分] The Argentine icebreaker Almirante Irizar, which left Buenos Aires on Tuesday, is expected to join the South African rescuers within 10 days to clear a path for the ________ ship to leave. A.tramped B.trapped C.wrapped D.snapped
[单选题,7.6分] Autumn.s parents didn.t permit her to date and insisted Autumn ________ Japanese school on Saturdays. A.attend B.attends C.attending D.to attend
[单选题,7.6分] That matter is so _______ that it must not be discussed outside this office. A.confidential B.private C.confident D.mysterious
[多选题,7.6分] ---Which class won the match in the end? ---I.m not quite sure. Maybe ______did. A.Class Two B.Class three C.third class D.Class Three E.class two
[多选题,7.6分] Run home_______. A.at once B.just now C.up to now D.right now E.now and then
[多选题,8.8分] ________, he is a very honest boy in our class. A.In fact B.To begin with C.Most of all D.In reality
[单选题,7.6分] It is strange that you ________ say such a thing. A.would B.should C.will D.shall
[单选题,7.6分] It.s a very beautiful village where Cindy and Tony live but it.s very ________. A.out of the way B.on the way C.by the way D.in the way