Part one 请写出以下词语或句子中的缩略语形式 1. will not 2. got to 3. Do you want to a cup of tea? 4. I am going to work out a plan this afternoon. 5. It.s time to go, see you. Part two 翻译句子 6. 他在拿我开玩笑吧? 7. 我们的日程安排得很紧张。 8. 听起来,这个主意不错。 9. 你现在面临人生中的重要时刻。 10. 快点,快点,时间来不及了。
1. 任务很艰巨,但我们最终胜利完成。
判断正误(T/F) 1. Billy is the know-it-all boy.s name. 2. Billy receives a gift from Santa at his home. 3. As the hero boy grows up, he can never hear the ring of the sleighbell. 4. Sarah is the name of the hero girl on board with the hero boy. 5. Parents can hear the ring of the bell as well.
Part one 请写出以下词语或句子中的缩略语形式 1. what are you 2. going to 3. What are you reading? 4. I am going to finish the homework. 5. What are you going to do? Part two 翻译句子 6. 顾客们对这家商店很信任。 7. 这个项目很需要你。 8. 这到底怎么回事? 9. 他身体好极了,真有福。 10. 他的话让我们陷入了危险。
Part one 请写出以下 “you know” 的用法 1. You know the place I visited last year. 2. You know, everything is changing. 3. The restaurant is, you know, you know. Part two 翻译句子 4. 你糊涂了? 5. 这点小问题,我能解决。 6. 你能拿准怎么做吗? 7. 你确定情况属实吗? 8. 你真是吓坏我了。
Part one 请写出cross在下列句子中的用法及含义 1. What are you cross about? 2. She wears a small silver cross around her neck. 3. The river is too deep. We cannot cross. 4. He crossed me in everything. Part two 翻译句子 5. 如果明天下雨怎么办? 6. 别犹豫了。我们应当向前推进。 7. 他们俩个一见倾心,六个星期之后结婚了。 8. 你应当对这个男孩宽容些。
Part one 请写出几种表示赞美的说法。 Part two 翻译句子 2. 他转过身发现了张熟悉的面孔。 3. 一整队的猴子侵袭她。 4. 小女孩朝他尖叫起来。 5. 他们花了很多年的时间才找出了真相。 6. 别任由女孩想象。
Part one 请判断下列句子用了明喻、暗喻和类比中的哪种修辞方法。 1. He is as silly as a donkey. 2. Judicious(明智的)praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. 3. Hope is the poor man.s bread. 4. Her brown hair was like a bird.s smooth wings. 5. Life is a drama. Part two 翻译句子 6. 这支箭在为你指路。 7. 他的建议使我感到很兴奋。 8. 价格又在飞涨了。 9. 他会是个好丈夫。
Part one 翻译句子 1. 对不起,我没有要伤害你的意思。 2. 我说话是算数的。 3. 你那样说是什么意思? 4. 我指的是这个,不是那个。 Part two 用所给的单词的适当形式填空 uncivilized roll decent claim mean make 5. The smog ______ in. 6. Old people are entitled to ______ a special heating allowance from the government. 7. We.ve only got one day in London, so let.s _____ the most of it and see everything. 8. He is really rude; I ______, he never says "Good morning". 9. John Smith thinks that the Indians are ______ people.
Part one 翻译句子 1. 她的小提琴,我是指中提琴,的确拉得很好。 2. 他实在非常粗鲁,我的意思是他从来不说“早安”。 3. 我的老板,我的意思是这间办公室的头,上星期走了。 4. 我下星期二,我指的是星期四以前,能完成这项任务。 Part two 用所给的词的适当形式填空 much good demon spot defeat incredible 5. Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white_____. 6. It.s not like I have _____of a home to go back to. 7. This place is_____,and to think we came all this way just to dig it up for gold. 8. If you _____one, don.t ask questions. Just shoot. 9. It will do you _____ to have a holiday.
Part one 翻译句子 1. 风越来越大。 2. 你来得越早越好。 3. 用四种方法表达句子:这条街道是那条街道的三倍宽。 Part two 回忆本节故事,根据首字母填单词 4. From this day f______, if there is to be more killing, it will not start with me. 5. Smith was right all a______. We never should.ve listened to you. 6. They.re going to kill him at s______. 7. It.s not too late, child. Let the spirits of the Earth g_____ you. 8. My daughter speaks with a w_____ beyond her years.