[单选题] What.s the English expression for"正直"? 󰃆 A、determination 󰃆 B、optimism 󰃆 C、kindness  D、integrity
[单选题] What.s the English expression for"乐观"? 󰃆 A、determination  B、optimism 󰃆 C、kindness 󰃆 D、integrity
[单选题] What.s the antonym of "tiny"?  A、giant 󰃆 B、small 󰃆 C、narrow 󰃆 D、fat
[单选题] What.s the synonym of "die"? 󰃆 A、death 󰃆 B、dead  C、pass away 󰃆 D、pass out
[单选题] "pass away" is an _ of "die"? 󰃆 A、exaggeration  B、euphemism 󰃆 C、simile 󰃆 D、metapho
[单选题] "optimism" is the _ form of "optimistic".  A、noun 󰃆 B、verb 󰃆 C、adverb 󰃆 D、pronoun
[单选题] Armstrong once said, "That.s one small step for me, but a_ leap for mankind." 󰃆 A、small 󰃆 B、big  C、giant 󰃆 D、tiny
[单选题] I found the lawn mowed, the garden_ and the walks_. 󰃆 A、swept, weeded 󰃆 B、sweep, weed 󰃆 C、weed, sweep  D、weeded, swept
[单选题] What.s the noun form of "amaze"? 󰃆 A、amazed 󰃆 B、amazing  C、amazement 󰃆 D、amazation
[单选题] Where did Tony come from? 󰃆 A、America  B、 Italy 󰃆 C、Britain 󰃆 D、Australia
[单选题] How many times does the sentence“I mow your lawn”appear in the text? 󰃆 A、1 󰃆 B、2 󰃆 C、3  D、4
[单选题] What was Tony’s lifelong dream? 󰃆 A、Running a factory 󰃆 B、Opening a company  C、Owning a farm 󰃆 D、Having a family
[单选题] The board of education is responsible for hiring teachers and other school _______.  A、personnel 󰃆 B、personal 󰃆 C、private 󰃆 D、person
[单选题] We’ll go out as soon as I’ve the kitchen. 󰃆 A、cleaning off 󰃆 B、cleaning up  C、 cleaned up 󰃆 D、cleaned off
[单选题] The text consists of _ parts? 󰃆 A、1  B、2 󰃆 C、3 󰃆 D、4