21. “Smith, you are too old to wax the floor. You’d better have it ( ) by your grandson.” “Oh, it’s a good idea.” (A) waxed (B) waxing (C) being wax (D) wax
22. ____ publishing complete novels, he began to write stories in serial form.  (A) Instead of (B) In spite of (C) Instead (D) Beside
23. Being extremely_____to the cold,I do not like skating. (A) sensitive (B) senseless (C) insensitive (D) sensible
24. People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ()he had gone.  (A) of where (B) of the place where (C) where (D) the place
25. All the task ______ ahead of time, we planned to go on holiday for a week. (A) had fulfilled (B) having fulfilled (C) were fulfilled (D) having been fulfilled
26. Mrs. Brown is supposed ______ for Italy last week.  (A) to have left (B) to leave (C) to be leaving (D) to have been left
27. Since the reform, the country’s economy has been fairly _______.  (A) healthful (B) healthy (C) well
28. The weather wasn’t favorable and both teams had to ________ icy rain and a strong wind during the match.  (A) pin down (B) contend with (C) get stuck in (D) take control of
29. Once Mrs. Kirkpatrick ______ you in conversation, you’re stuck with her for at least half an hour.  (A) engages (B) occupies (C) submerges (D) launches
30. Your bike needs_____.You.d better do i right now. (A) clean (B) to be clean (C) being cleaned (D) to clean
31. As for Ann, I am not sure about her ____ in Italian.  (A) fluency (B) clarity (C) coherence (D) excellency
32. Well, that is probably all I can say about sports. Next time I’ll take up the topic of some other ____ activities.  (A) refreshment (B) entertainment (C) pleasure (D) leisure
33. If you need further qualifications(条件) for the job, check out how and where you can ___________ them. (A) inquire (B) acquire (C) seek (D) secure
34. Before going to bed, she _______ that the door was locked.  (A) insured herself (B) assured (C) assured herself (D) insured
35. We all thought _______pity that you were unable to come to our meeting. (A) that (B) which (C) this (D) it