A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning. 选择一项: A. have to B. dared C. may
3. What does the word “massive” mean in Para. 3? 回答  A. Huge.  B. Quick.  C. Urgent.
Some of the risks may be relevant to your community. Find out which ones by ______ www.GetPrepared.uk. 选择一项: A. visiting B. visit C. visited
These preparedness frameworks either exist in various stages of development ______ have been implemented. 选择一项: A. nor B. and C. or
1. Building occupants should not re-enter the building until cleared by emergency personnel. 回答  A. 楼房的居民在危险情况没有被应急人员清除完以前应该再次进入楼道。  B. 楼房的居民在危险情况没有被应急人员清除完前可以再次进入楼道。  C. 楼房的居民在危险情况没有被应急人员清除完前不应该再次进入楼道。
2. In addition, it is recommended that all staff and faculty members maintain a personal emergency kit in their work area. 回答  A. 此外,建议所有员工在工作区放置一套个人急救包。  B. 此外,要向所有员工推销在工作区摆放的一套个人急救包  C. 此外,所有员工要建议公司在在工作区放置急救包。
3. An emergency situation may result in recovery problems ranging from relatively minor to severe. 回答  A. 紧急情况可能会导致从相对轻微到严重的各种恢复问题。  B. 紧急情况会导致轻微或者严重恢复问题。  C. 紧急情况一定会导致从相对轻微到严重的各种恢复问题。
4. Doorways offer no greater protection than any other area. 回答  A. 出入口的保护作用比其他区域的更强大。  B. 出入口的保护作用不比其他区域强大。  C. 出入口的保护作用不能与其他强大区域相比。
5. We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution. 回答  A. 我们将不得不做出最大的贡献。  B. 我们应该拿下最大的项目。  C. 我们应该把自己放到能做出最大贡献的位置。
—_____________________ — Fire, fire service please! There.s a huge fire here. 选择一项:1 A. 911, how may I direct your call? B. How may I help you? C. What can I do for you?
Some of the risks may be relevant to your community. Find out which ones by ______ www.GetPrepared.uk. 选择一项:1 A. visiting B. visit C. visited
3. What does the word “massive” mean in Para. 3? 回答1  A. Huge.  B. Quick.  C. Urgent.
Over the decade 2001–2010, an average of more than 700 natural and technological emergencies occurred globally every year, 回答 approximately 270 million people and causing over 130 000 deaths annually. Twenty-five per cent of these emergencies, and 44 per cent of these deaths, occurred in less developed countries with limited capacities to prepare for and respond effectively 回答 emergencies. These statistics do not include the high levels of mortality and morbidity associated with conflict-related emergencies. 回答 the World Bank, over 1.5 billion people live in countries affected by violent conflict. These populations suffer from the consequences of societal disruption and increases in mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases, acute malnutrition, trauma and complications from chronic diseases.   Over the same time period, risks to public health 回答 due to globalization, and international travel and trade. Such risks might be transmitted by people (e.g. SARS, influenza, polio, Ebola), goods, food, animals (e.g. zoonotic disease), vectors (e.g. dengue, plague, yellow fever), or the environment (e.g. radio-nuclear releases, chemical spills or other contamination).   In all types of emergencies, the poorest and most vulnerable people suffer disproportionately. These 回答 impacts are complicated by the enormity of the resulting economic costs, averaging over US$100 billion per year. The appropriate and timely management of these risks requires effective national and international capacities, intersectoral collaboration, the promotion of equity, the protection of human rights, and the advancement of gender equality.
Would you like some more beer?
A. Just a little
B. No more
C.I.ve had enough

I suppose there.ll be a lot of arguments.

A.I should imagine so.
B. No problem.
C. That.s a good idea.