【单选题】Which of the following sentence is true?回答

A. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology started its first MOOC in 2012
B. Harvard University started its first MOOC in 2012
C. Many Chinese University started its first MOOC in 2012
D. Many Japanese University started its first MOOC in 2012

【单选题】Do the students watch short videos if they follow MOOCS?回答

A. No, they don’t
B. Yes, they do
C. No, they can’t
D. Yes, they can

【单选题】What can they do in online groups?回答

A. See a film
B. Discuss the quizzes
C. Exchange questions and answers about the course
D. Receive homework

【单选题】What do the teachers hold to answer student’s questions?回答

A. Online courses
B. Virtual office hours
C. Online tutorials
D. Face-to-face meetings

【单选题】Through the article, the author wants to tell us that _______.回答

A. The MOOCS are too expensive to learn them
B. The MOOCS are of both videos and news
C. The MOOCS are of both high quality and low cost
D. The MOOCS are of both high and hard education

Situation: A person is inviting the other one to pay basketball.
Speaker A: Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?
Speaker B: ________,but my mother is ill.
a. Of course not
b. It.s very nice of you 解析:根据第一句中的"Would you like to…",可知这是对第二个人进行的邀约,邀请他去打篮球.根据"but my mother is ill",可知此人首先要对对方表示感谢,后转折说不能去的原因.A选项含义为"我不在意";B选项为"你真好";C选项为"当然不是";D选项为"不客气".。
c. I don.t care
d. My pleasure

Situation: Two persons are talking in the room.
Speaker A: Do you mind my opening the window?
Speaker B: _________. Please do it now.
a. Yes, I do
b. Certainly
c. No
d. Of course not

Situation: Two persons are talking on the campus.
Speaker A: Excuse me. Is the library open all day?
Speaker B: _________. Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
a. That.s right
b. Sorry, I.m afraid not 解析:交际用语。由后句“只是从上午8点到下午4点”,前句意为“对不起,我恐怕不是的”,因此选D。
c. Sorry, I.m not sure
d. Yes, of course

Situation: Two persons are talking about mobile phones
Speaker A: I don.t think students should use mobile phones at school.
Speaker B: ______.They really have a bad influence on our study.
a. No problem
b. Not at all
c. I agree with you 解析:首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:我赞同你的看法;B:不客气;C:没问题;D:乐意效劳;根据前面一个人表达的意思是"我认为学生在学校里不应该使用手机."和答语中的"They really have a bad influence on our study",确定设空处应该填"我赞同你的看法"。
d. It.s my pleasure

.Situation: Two persons are talking face to face.
Speaker A: You speak very good English.
Speaker B:________.
a. Thank you 解析:本题重点考查情景对话,上文,你英语讲得很好。下文,谢谢。Thank you谢谢 No,not at all不,没什么My English is poor我的英语不好I don.t think so我不这样认为,根据题意,故选A。
b. No, not at all
c. I don.t think so
d. My English is poor

Situation: A and B are talking about B’s uncle.
Speaker A: What is your uncle like?
Speaker B: _________________.

a. He is fine.
b. He likes camping.
c. He is friendly and helpful. 解析:四个选项分别表示A. 他很好。指他本身的状况。 B.他喜欢野营。C.他是友好和乐于助人的。 D. 他是一个著名的医生。根据上文,你的叔叔怎么样?可知选C。
d. He is a famous doctor.

Situation: Two persons are talking about the internet.
Speaker A: How often do you go online?
Speaker B: __________.
a. Yes, please
b. Every day 解析:本题疑问词为 “how often”,询问频率。A在问“你上网的频率如何”?因此选项C正确。
c. For two months
d. Yes, I will

Situation: The woman could not answer the mobile phone when the man called her.
M: I called your mobile phone this morning, but you didn.t answer it.
W: __________.

A. I was driving to the airport to meet a friend 解析:男士打女士手机没接,女士解释原因最合理的回答是:当时她正开车去机场接朋友。
B. The phone was ringing.
C. I could see the phone.
D. The phone was expensive.

Situation: A doctor is talking to his/her patient.
Speaker A: _______
Speaker B: I’m much better. My stomach problem is gone.
a. What seems the problem?
b. Do you have anything to declare, sir?
c. Good morning, may I help you?
d. How are you feeling today?

Situation: Zhang Hui wants his sister to help him buy an MP4 player online.
– Could you please help me choose an MP4 player online ? .
– __________________. My computer doesn’t work.
a. I don’t agree
b. I hope so
c. Yes, I could
d. I’m afraid I can’t