27. The shopkeepers are complaining that business has been reduced to a ________ of what it was before the outbreak of war. (A) fraction (B) section (C) portion (D) trifle
28. ____ publishing complete novels, he began to write stories in serial form.  (A) Instead of (B) In spite of (C) Instead (D) Beside
29. The offer of a free overseas tour _______ him into buying the villa on the hillside.  (A) discouraged (B) committed (C) tempted (D) tangled
30. If it rains, we ( )out for dinner. (A) won’t go (B) wouldn’t go (C) wouldn’t have gone (D) didn’t go
31. The young lady coming over to us __________our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!  (A) must be (B) can be (C) would be (D) could be
32. Whenever I take on a difficult task, I say to myself, “Nothing ____________, nothing gain.”  (A) adventured (B) advantaged (C) ventured (D) advanced
33. Your bike needs_____.You.d better do i right now. (A) clean (B) to be clean (C) being cleaned (D) to clean
34. Therefore, other things ()equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. (A) is (B) are (C) being (D) having
35. Much research _______ into the possible causes of the disease in the past few years.  (A) has been done (B) was done (C) have been done (D) were done
36. The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do it yourself equipment in a ____ in the garden.  (A) barn (B) room (C) hut (D) shed
37. You’d better add them up. I’m not good at ____.  (A) figures (B) characters (C) summaries (D) counters
38. Before going to bed, she _______ that the door was locked.  (A) insured herself (B) assured (C) assured herself (D) insured
39. The classroom was silent _____ the busy scratching of pens on paper.  (A) besides (B) apart from (C) except for (D) except
40. It.s_____my power to make final decision on the matter.  (A) off (B) out (C) above (D) beyond
41. His article is better than_____in the class.  (A) anyone.s (B) anyone else (C) anyone else.s (D) anyone.s else