which is the only letter that can be pronounced as jes in English words0.

How many syllables are there in the word "athletic" 0.
A .One
B . Two
C . Three
D .Four

The () syllable is the stressed syllable in the word "police"
A . first
B .second
c . 矸第hird
D . fourth

There are
vowes inenolish
B . 21
D .23

We stress the second syllable if "suspect” is a ()
A . noun
B . verb
C . adjective
D»翻叮. conjunction

In the production of a consonant sound, the air stream from the lungs meets noobstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose, or the mouth, while in the pronunciationof a vowel, the air stream from the lungs is obstructed in one way or another. () .
/i:/ and ;y/ are both high front vowels, but /i:/ is a bit lower and more forward than /1/In addition, /i:/ is tense in that the root of the tongue is more advanced than with /1/.which is lax ()
English diphthongs are divided into both falling diphthongs (the first vowel sound is69pronounced longer, louder and stronger than the second one), and rising diphthongs(the second sound is produced longer and stronger than the first () .
if two adjacent vowel sounds occur in different syllables -- for example, in the Englishword re-elect (/ ri:l1ekt/) -- the result is described as hiatus not as a diphthong ()
The manner of articulation refers to the way in which the airstream is obstructed. Forexample, with plosive sounds, the articulation acts in such a way that the air istemporarily trapped, and then suddenly released (
Generally speaking, the place and the manner of articulation are the two commonfeatures of any languages except the voicing, which is language specific. For examplevoicing is a distinctive feature of Mandarin Chinese, whereas aspiration is the distinctivefeature of English (
Plosives occur when the airstream is blocked or stopped completely before its release.They are also known as stops because they involve the complete blockage of theairstream. ()
The sound /n/ remains unchanged at the word boundaries where it is followed by a wordbeginning with a vowel sound as in bring it (/brlglt/) and sing us a song (/sines a sto/).However, in the case of adjectives, the adding of the suffixes -eror -est to thecomparative and superlative degree of the words longer and longest has changed thepronunciation of /y/ inta /gsj ()
Within the class of approximants, lateral /l/ and retroflex /r/ are further distinguishedfrom semi-vowels /i/ and /w/. This is because /i/ and /w/ are made without a restrictionto the airflow. They are phonetically like consonants but phonologically like vowels () .
、In more than three-syllable words, if the primary stress falls on the third syllable or laterthe secondary stress are usually marked on one of the preceding syllables, for example.introduction / /Introdkin. and education fedkeliny 0