After he gave a report about the school, Mr Wang _______ the visitors around it. A.went on to show B.went on showing C.went on with showing D.kept on showing
The boy is tall enough ___ his age. --Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age. A.to;shorter B.at;taller C.at;shorter D.for;shorter
As ____ matter of fact, there was ____ exploration in _____ last house I visite A.a,an,the B.the,an,a C.a,the,the D.the,a,a
She asked ______ we were getting on well with our work. A.how B.if C.what D.that
“Are you _______from America?” -- “No, neither of us.” A.each B.both C.all D.neither
While ____ in the room, we were all very excite A.waited B.waiting C.towait D.wait
The college entrance examination is coming; the students are ____ it. A.preparing B.preparedfor C.prepared D.preparingfor
“________of them are not here.” means “____of them are not here.” A.All;Some B.Both;Every C.Both;Neither D.All;Both
Old as the car is, ___ it works quite well. A.and B.yet C.so D.however
What is the model plane look like? --Well, the wings of the plane are ____of its body. A.more than the length twice B.twice more than the length C.more than twice the length D.more twice than the length
The hunter fired and the fox fell ________. A.death B.deadly C.dead D.dying
Do you feel like ________ to a film or would you rather ________ at home. A.to go,to stay B.going,stay C.to go,staying D.going,to stay
That.s one of those questions that ________. A.needn.t to be answered B.needn.t to answer C.needn.t be answered D.needn.t answer
You.d rather I didn.t tell her about it,________? A.wouldn.t you B.didn.t you C.should you D.had you
________ the road and you will come to the office building. A.If you were to turn off B.Turn off C.Turning off D.Having turned off