(单选题)This passage focuses on__________.(本题2.5分) A.how fires start B.damage caused by fire C.the fascination of fire D.fighting forest fires
(单选题) A backfire is started__________.(本题2.5分) A.behind a forest fire B.ahead of a forest fire C.on the sides of a forest fire D.all around a forest fire
(单选题)This passage suggests that a fire will travel__________.(本题2.5分) A.faster than a horse can run B.in all directions at the same speed C.in whatever direction the wind is blowing D.toward the nearest source of fuel
.(单选题)In the last paragraph, the writer again refers to the fire as a living creature by saying that it__________.(本题2.5分) A.can be blown around by the wind B.dwarfs man.s best efforts C.heats the air above it D.may still win the struggle
.(单选题)99% of the time, we ______________.(本题2.0分) A.pay no attention to our gestures and body movements. B.are aware of our gestures and body movements. C.know what the meaning of other personsˇ gestures and body movements D.All of the above
(单选题)The body language ____________.(本题2.0分) A.is applicable only to the interviewer B.is applicable only to the interviewee C.is both applicable to the interviewer and the interviewee D.is neither applicable to the interviewer nor to the interviewee
(单选题)Open arms and hands mean _______________.(本题2.0分) A.the person is reserved B.the person is reserved and suspicious C.the person is in negative mood D.the person is open and receptive
(单选题)Sitting in a chair shaking one of his legs means __________.(本题2.0分) A.the person is calm B.the person is nervous and uncomfortable C.the person is waiting for someone D.the person is angry
(单选题)The passage______________.(本题2.0分) A.mainly deals with nonverbal communication during interviews B.presents information on body language C.introduces some forms of body languages D.describes how to make correct body language
(单选题)Most people think that the Nobel Prize is __________ a person can receive.(本题2.0分) A.the highest honor in the world B.one of the highest international honors C.a higher honor than others D.as high as any other honor
(单选题)Alfred Nobel who started the Nobel Prize was __________(本题2.0分) A.a rich, happy and lucky man B.a poor, unhappy and unlucky man C.a poor, but happy and lucky man D.a rich, unhappy and unlucky man
(单选题)A Nobel Prize is made up of _________(本题2.0分) A.a gold medal and a large amount of money B.a gold medal and a diploma C.a gold medal and a diploma and a large amount of money D.a diploma and a large amount of money
(单选题)A Nobel Prize is given to __________ each year.(本题2.0分) A.just one person B.one person C.not always one person D.three persons
(单选题)When he died, Nobel left an amount of money __________(本题2.0分) A.to his wife and his children B.to the university he used to study in C.to his parents and his students D.to be spend on setting five prizes
(单选题)What makes it possible for people living in different places to communicate with each other?(本题2.0分) A.printed media B.mass media C.electronic media D.computers