
Our department _______ courses in several foreign languages.
A、 accepts
B、 considers
C、 offers
D、 takes

The art show was ______ being a failure; it was a great success.
A、 far from
B、 along with  
C、 second to
D、 regardless of?

The president has ____________ his political advisors over the slow pace of economic change.
A、 prevented from
B、 charged for
C、 accounted for
D、 clashed with

We came finally __________ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time.
A、 of
B、 into
C、 to
D、 at

_______ Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he says he is too busy.
A、 However
B、 Whoever
C、 Whenever
D、 Whatever

If it_____tomorrow, we will stay indoors to have our training class.
A、 rains
B、 rain
C、 will rain
D、 rained

She had golden hair when she was a child, but_________ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker.
A、 while
B、 when
C、 after
D、 as

____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.
A、 Being bitten
B、 Bitten  
C、 Having bitten
D、 To be bitten

Some say yes and others say no; I don’t know __________ to follow.
A、 whether
B、 what
C、 whom
D、 how

After I ______ the work of the department, I was transferred to another one.
A、 learnt?
B、 had learnt?
C、 would learn
D、 was learning

They have invited me to dinner, ________ is very kind of them.
A、 as
B、 which
C、 it
D、 that

The weakening housing market continued to take its __________ on the industry.
A、 toll
B、 profit
C、 insurance
D、 security

The government will have to work hard to __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.
A、 win back
B、 win through
C、 come up with
D、 come at

I want you to succeed without __________ and firmly believe that you will succeed if you try hard enough.
A、 failing
B、 failed
C、 fail
D、 failure

—I put him down for a well-educated man. —___________ ? —I mean that he’s a well-educated man.
A、 I beg your pardon
B、 Speak louder, will you
C、 What’s that
D、 Will you repeat word for word