John left his hometown ten years ago, never ________ A.to return B.returned C.returning D. will return
As he ________ the conclusion, he lost the good chance to earn more money A.came to B.arrived at C.leaped to D.reached
No sooner had we set out ________ a storm began. A. then B. than C.when D.and
A group of sharks were ________ off the coast earlier this month. A. spotted B.sported C.spouted D.spoofed
He was knocked down by a car and badly ________. A.injured B.damaged C.harmed D.ruined
More than 100 fire-fighters ________ Florida blaze on Monday. A.fiddled with B. helped with C. collided with D.struggled with
There are many _______ playing on the playground. A.child B.children C.pupils D.sheep
The_______ will fall in autumn. A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves D.flowers
Would you like ______? ---Thank you, but I.m not thirsty. A. any sandwiches B.some bread C.any mooncakes D.some orange
A good test for this value is to apply ________ I call the "Integrity Triangle". A. that B. which C.what D.when
He wants to be ________ Newton and Einstein. A.a great scientist as B. as great a scientist as C. as a great scientist as D.such a great scientist as
Autumn.s parents didn.t permit her to date and insisted Autumn ________ Japanese school on Saturdays. A. attend B. attends C.attending D. to attend
At least 76 people died when a Sibir Airlines Tu-154 ________ into the sea about 180 kilometers from the Russian resort of Sochi on Thursday. A.dropped B. jumped C.plunged D.declined
You ________ him about this since he could find out for himself. A. needn.t tell B. need tell C. need have told D. needn.t have told
In today.s business world, having a solid Internet ________ is critical to success. A. presence B.absence C. present D. accent