7.Teachers declare that girls should act like ladies and keep quiet. (Sexism in Class)
8.”Let me do it for you” behavior toward female students is detrimental to their becoming independent. (Sexism in Class)
9.In terms of receiving acceptance from teachers the proportion of boys to girls is appropriately equal. (Sexism in Class)
10.Girls tend to think that their failure is, to a greater extent, due to external factors. (Sexism in Class)
11.Learning a foreign language is more difficult than using it.(Language Teaching and Leaning)
12.Only when an inhibited relationship exists between all the participants can there be free interaction.(Language Teaching and Learning)
13.Eventually the dragon lady gave up her job with as a writing teacher.(The Teacher as Dragon)
14.It was an unpleasant task for the teacher to point out or hint at a student’s confusion in thought.(The Teacher as Dragon)
15.One third of the students in Villegas’ class were taught by teachers like the dragon lady.(The Teacher as Dragon)
16.Female speakers are not so impressive as male speakers (Sexism in School )
17.Overall teaching effectiveness is raised by trained teachers in the course of eliminating classroom bias. (Sexism in School )
18.“Intellectual discussion” means discussion attended by intellectuals (Sexism in School )
19.Girls’ shift of interest to marriage results partly from the fact that their using their intelligence will meet with men’s disapproval. (Sexism in School )
20.Haugaard thought it impossible to take pleasure in the profession of housewife if she didn’t want to betray the cause of Women’s Lib. (Philosophers Among Carrots)
21.She didn’t remember very well where she learned the analogy of “Where are the string beans of yesterday?” (Philosophers Among Carrots)