When meeting the visitors at the airport, which of the following actions is not a good manner in business culture?( ) A.Send the general manager to pick up the visitors B.Hold a tasteful and professional looking greeting sign C.Using computer laser print of the name in extra-large type D.Write the visitors. names with a marking pen on cardboard
TO make it easy for the reader to determine exactly what you want and to provide it quickly and accurately, you can( ) A.display different things in a numbered list. B.write the responsibility clearly. C.enclose a stamped envelope if necessary D.all above
If infirm or elderly members of the visiting team require immediate exit from the airport, let the hosts know well ( ) A. in advance B.ahead of time C.bring forward D. ahead of schedule
In car etiquette,When a lady enter into a car,which is the correct posture? A.crawl into a car B.put one foot into the car first ,and then another foot C.let her hip onto the seat first ,and then receive her feet D. jump into a car
Also under separate cover we are sending you a full range of goods ( ) A. of export B.for export C.export to D.export
Eye contact is ( ) kept during British conversations,because people believe eye contact is a mark of rudeness A.never B.seldom C.always D.sometimes
Japan in past were asked to focus on ( ) in order to avoid eye contact A.a speaker.s neck B.a speaker.s eyes C.a speaker.s arm D.a speaker.s nose
In Canada,direct eye contacting is acceptable when you want to convey ( )and ( ) A. interest ; excitement B.sincerity; excitement C. interest ; sincerity D.excitement;happiness
When all or part of an order cannot be processed because the merchandise is temporarily out of stock or has been discontinued, which of the followings should not be done? A.Express appreciation for the order and identify it by the customer.s order number or by date if the order is unnumbered B.Express regret that either all or some identified items cannot be shipped and state the reason C.Give a guarantee to the customer that the items will be shipped in time D.If one or more items have been discontinued, suggest an alternative for the customer
Under the follows country,in which people may not make eye contact as a sign of respect A.Australia B.Singapore C.Mexico D.Japan
In ( ),eye contact is considered a statement of equality and is too personal a gesture to use with stranger in a social setting A. Canada B.Japan C.Russia D.France
We would like to ( )you a discount ( )5%, if your order exceeds USD$1,000. A.give/ to B.give/of C.allow/ to D.allow/of
Our products will appeal ( )( ) your market. A. for B.to C.on D. in
We ( )( )Mr. Smiths that you are in the market of woolen mixed blanket A.get information about B. learn from C.inform D. are given to understand
We are offering you goods ( ) very high quality A.at B.of C.with D.for