(单选题) According to Wang Qiang, the characteristics of a language teacher include his ____, his ____, and his ____.(本题2.0分) A、 previous experience; received knowledge; understanding of language B、 ethic devotion; professional quality; personal style C、 motivation; intelligence; sense of responsibility D、 educational background; family background; social status
(单选题) One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.(本题2.0分) A、 grammar is taught in an isolated way B、 much attention is paid to meaning C、 the practice is often meaningful D、 students do not benefit from the method at all
(单选题) According to Archambault (1964), a constructivist scholar, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of ___.(本题2.0分) A、 pushing the learners forward in their imitation B、 realizing the common rules of language C、 making the learners memorize the structures of language D、 arousing the learners’ interests and curiosity for learning
(单选题) The attitudes or emotion of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word form ___ of a word.(本题2.0分) A、 collocations B、 the denotative meaning C、 the connotative meaning D、 synonyms, antonyms, and hyponyms
(单选题) Unintelligible speech is ___ for both the speaker and the audience.(本题2.0分) A、 useful and pleasant B、 useless and may cause unpleasant feeling C、 understandable D、 inconvenient
(单选题) Pronunciation is difficult to teach without drills on sounds. However, drilling individual sounds for more than a few minutes a time may be ___.(本题2.0分) A、 interesting and fun B、 attractive and motivating C、 boring and demotivating D、 of no use
(单选题) Adjectives such as‘hardworking’, ‘warm-hearted’, and ‘caring’ can be used to describe a teacher’s ___, one of the three elements of a good foreign language teacher.(本题2.0分) A、 personal style B、 language proficiency C、 ethic devotion D、 professional quality
(单选题) Hedge discusses five main components of communicative competence. these components inlude linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and ___.(本题2.0分) A、 accuracy B、 fluency C、 correctness D、 grammaticality
(单选题) Communicative language teaching (clt) requires a higher level of communicative competence on the part of the teacher. it also requires that the teacher develops a wider range of skills beyond the presentation and explanation of grammatical structures (hedge, 2000). in a communicative classroom, a great deal of time is spent on managing learning, setting up activities, organizing resources, and guiding students in ___.(本题2.0分) A、 language structure analysis B、 pair work or group work C、 imitation and recitation D、 writing exercises
(单选题) According to Wang Qiang, ___ are the basis for syllabus design, teaching methods, teaching procedures, and even teaching techniques.(本题2.0分) A、 values of life B、 styles of life C、 views on language D、 views on culture
(单选题) One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students often ___.(本题2.0分) A、 use context for their vocabulary learning B、 try hard to understand the words C、 learn new words in isolation of context G、 use a variety of vocabulary building strategies
(单选题) Words that one is able to recognize and comprehend in reading and listening but unable to use automatically in writing or speaking are referred to as ___.(本题2.0分) A、 receptive or active B、 productive or passive C、 receptive or passive D、 productive or active
(单选题) When teaching vocabulary, the teacher can ___ to promote high motivation.(本题2.0分) A、 apply rote learning B、 separate the words from the context C、 neglect the students’ learning process D、 relate newly learned language to students’ real life
(单选题) According to ___, if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age (perhaps around puberty), then due to changes such as maturation of the brain, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker.(本题2.0分) A、 The Critical Period Hypothesis B、 Task-Based Language Teaching C、 communicative competence theories D、 behaviorist theories
(单选题) There are two kinds of stress that are important to achieving good pronunciation, i.e. ___.(本题2.0分) A、 mechanical stress and meaningful stress B、 perception stress and production stress C、 word-level stress and phrase-level or sentence-level stress D、 syllable-level stress and word-level or phrase-level stress