John is _____ of the two boys. A、tallest B、taller C、the tallest D、the taller
Tom is taller than _____ in his class. A、any other student B、any student C、any other students D、any students
---That girl looks _____. -Yes. Now, she is looking ____ at you. A、sweetly / angrily B、sweet / angry C、sweetly / angry D、sweet / angrily
You can speak _____ in front of George, but you can.t eat _____ in his restaurant. A、freely / free B、free / free C、free / freely D、freely / freely
A _____ road goes _____ from our college to the center of the city. A、straight / straight B、straightly / straightly C、straightly / straight D、straight / straightly
It’s just _____ walk from my home to my office. A、 ten minutes B、 ten-minutes C、 ten minutes’ D、 ten-minutes’
Mr. Li is ____ as Mr. Wang. A、 a good teacher B、 an as good teacher C、 as good a teacher D、 as a good teacher
There are ten _____ and five _____ in our class. They all speak Chinese. A、 German / Japanese B、 Germen / Japaneses C、 Germans / Japanese D、 German’s / Japanese
How many _____ would you like? A、 paper B、 bread C、 pieces of papers D、 pieces of bread
Their _____ came to the city yesterday. A、 father-in-laws B、 fathers-in-law C、 fathers-in-laws D、 father-in-law’s
The girl who came this morning is a friend of _____. A、 my sister B、 mine sister C、 my sister’s D、 mine sister’s
Sure, there is _____ for improvement. A、 many rooms B、 much room C、 much rooms D、 many room
Try to find me _____ scissors. A、 a pair of B、 two C、 one D、 a couple of
Factories are supplied with _____ machines. A、 plenty of B、 vast amounts of C、 a great deal of D、 a large many of
Ten years had elapsed. I found she had ____________ . A、 little white hair B、 some white hair C、 much white hairs D、 a few white hairs