6In the teach video ,when the lron Lady answered " don.t know" ,she is using0.
A . Straight answer
B . neither
C Both
D .A+!

The English name of the film of 当幸福来敲门is0.
A The pursuit of happyness .
B .When happiness knocks at he door.
C .Hapoiness
D . The pursuit of happiness

."What runs but never walks?""The answer to this riddle is0.
A . water
B . mirror
C . person
D . smole

"Can you can a can as a caner can can a can" is a0.
A . paranoia
B . mission statement
C . mission statement
D . riddle

"I am on the pay roll."is similar like0.
A . I am not your employee.
B . l am the boss.
C . My name is on this page.
D .I am salary.

of these three. which one is the most brutal explanation0.
A restructure
B . let people go
C . fire
D .sack

Which one is not suggested to use in the beginning of breaking bad news0.
A . Bad news to you
B . I may come as a shock to learn
C .I.m sorry to say
D . Unfortunately

In breaking bad news, which way is usually suggested to use0.
A .eupnemism
B . direct way
C .metaphor
D .announcement

In Using NLP how many senses are introduced0.
In"delegating","l am sure you will be happy to help me." can be described as0.
A . tentative
B . Very polite
C . Assertive
D . dictatorial

If the salesperson says," This is the last one..." he is using :0.
A . scarcity
B . appeal to a higher authority
C . the deadline
D . a last -minute claim

If the salesperson says;" I will call my boss to see if this price is Ok...." he is using :0.
A . bullying
B . a last -minute claim
C . the deadline
D . appeal to a higher authority

"I get the picture." is using the sense of 0.
A . seeing
B feeling
C .sound
D . sight

When doing presentaion, we should use some rhetorical devices to enhance theexpression.For example, "ambiguity, uncertainty,and madness" is0.
A . group of three
B . metaphor
C . humor and suprise
D . using contrast

"It.s beyond a shadow of a doubt. "belongs to which sense0.
A . feeling
B . love 8. hate
C . sight
D .sound