(阅读理解题) 单词辨音,找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项. (1). (单选题) surprise     (本题3.0分) A. performance    B. further  C. work     D. nurse
(单选题) smooth   (本题3.0分) A. feather    B. tooth       C. thief           D. warmth
(单选题)  navy (本题3.0分) A.  relative B.  nationality    C. neighbor  D. valley
(单选题)  Christmas   (本题3.0分) A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church
 (单选题) achieve   (本题3.0分) A. research B.  chemist    C.  technique D. stomach
 (判断题) A phoneme may have several allophones. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) English vowels can be voiced or voiceless.(本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) The mouth should be more open for / i: / than for /ə/. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) / k / and / g / have the same place of articulation. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) In English sound system some consonant phonemes are    voiced or voiceless, but all the vowel phonemes are voiced. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
 (判断题) There is more air out of mouth for voiced consonants    than for voiceless consonants. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) Auxiliary verbs are usually unstressed in a sentence. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
 (判断题)  Since diphthongs are composed of two vowel elements,  they are treated as two syllables. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) A syllable is a unit of speech sounds consists of a vowel with one or more than one consonant. A word has as many syllables as there are vowels in it. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False
(判断题) The falling intonation is often associated with uncertainty and incompleteness. (本题3.0分) A. True B. False