3.Antarctica is bordered by ________. A.the Pacific Ocean B.the Indian Ocean C.the Atlantic Ocean D.all the three
4.Antarctica is made unlivable mainly by __________. A.cold air B.calm seas C.ice D.little knowledge about the continent
5.According to this article _________. A.2000 people live on the Antarctic Continent B.A million people live within 200 miles of the South Pole C.Weather conditions within 200 miles of the South Pole makes settlements impossible D.Only a few natives live in the Antarctica
6. According to the passage, the writer _________. A. was quite different from other important people B. was similar to other important people C. liked good-looking girls D. was very afraid of public opinion
7. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?____ A. The writer was shy man. B. The girl was brave. C. The cottage was big. D. The mother was good at teaching her daughter.
8. When did the girl begin to have a boy friend?___ A. Soon after the doctor talked to her. B. Before the doctor talked to her. C. After she started working for the doctor. D. It is not known at all when the girl got a boy friend.
9. The doctor was satisfied with the girl because _________. A. she was pretty B. she could do the job well C. she had a boy friend D. both B and C
10. Which of the following is true?___ A. The doctor employed the girl because someone recommended her to him. B. The doctor didn’t care whether the girl had a boy friend. C. The doctor believed that the mother didn’t want her daughter to work for him. D. The girl started working at his house right after the doctor paid a visit to her mother.s
11. A suitable title for this passage might be ____ . A. The Entertainment Profession B. The Way to Become a Pop Singer C. The Life of a Pop Singer D. The Pop Singer
12.Why must a pop singer have a good manager?__ A. To protect him form his fans B. To look after his business interests. C. To help him to change his “act” D. So that he can relax
13. Why must a pop singer work very hard when he has become famous?____ A. To sell more records B. To become popular C. To stay popular D. To attract the attention
14. It may be inferred from this passage that____ . A. a pop singer is somewhat afraid of meeting his fans B. some people become pop singers by chance C. a pop singer sometimes is reluctant to meet people D. not a few people may become pop singers
15. The phrase “at any rate” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to____ . A. at any time B. in any case C. in no time D. on the occasion
16. The women use the phrase “equal pay for equal work” to make an appeal that __________. A. men should be paid less than women B. women’s work should not be harder than men’s C. women’s rates of pay should not differ from men’s D. men should be kinder to women at work.
17. Some people are against married women working at all because they say that _________. A. women are only suited to working at home B. men cannot take care of children C. women will not take good care of their homes and children D. all men will lose their traditional role in society