I feel awful. I’ve left your book somewhere. –(本题1.5分) A、 Oh! How could you do that! B、 Don’t worry. I never liked it anyway. C、 Cheer up. I’ll buy anthor one. D、 It’s not your fault.
I’ve lost a good chance to futher my study abroad last term. –(本题1.5分) A、 Don’t worry. B、 Don’t dwell too much on your past. C、 You should blame yourself. D、 You should satisfy with it.
I’m sorry. I forgot to buy your ink in town. –(本题1.5分) A、 Oh. Nothing. B、 Buy it for me next time. C、 Don’t worry. These things happen. D、 You shouldn’t blame yourself.
We all make mistakes.(本题1.5分) A、 Sorry to interrupt you. B、 It’s my fault. C、 I’m sorry to hear that. D、 Please excuse me for spilling tea on you.
I’m bound to lose again. What should I do? –(本题1.5分) A、 What a pity! B、 Next time do better. C、 No problem. D、 Cheer up. You can do it.
There is no way for me to pass the exam today! –(本题1.5分) A、 Oh. It’s nothing. B、 It’s not your fault. C、 I’m sorry to hear that. D、 Come on! You can do it.
It’s my fault. –(本题1.5分) A、 Don’t blame yourself. B、 You should be more careful. C、 Bad luck! D、 Next time do better.
He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ______ there.(本题1.5分) A、 had been B、 has been C、 would have been D、 would be
________, he remained honest.(本题1.5分) A、 As poor as Paul was B、 As Paul was poor C、 Poor as Paul was D、 Since Paul was poor
All the big company’s trading partners come under _______ pressure to turn into E-businesses too.(本题1.5分) A、 intensify B、 intense C、 integral D、 internal
These euphoric feelings are not ______, but they are in your head.(本题1.5分) A、 image B、 imagine C、 imaginary D、 imagery
Somewhere along the line, Home Depot has ceased to be just a shop selling things and has become a ______ services provider.(本题1.5分) A、 virtual B、 virtue C、 virtuous D、 virus
He laughs best _______ laughs last.(本题1.5分) A、 he B、 then C、 who D、 and
These books, ________ at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need.(本题1.5分) A、 you can get B、 that you can get C、 what you can get D、 which you can get
Hardly _______ people ran toward it.(本题1.5分) A、 the plane had landed when B、 had the plane landed when C、 the plane had landed than D、 had the plane landed than