You know, you must do something about your car today. It’s dangerous. 选择一项: a. recommendations b. instructions
You must try that garage. They’re very good. 选择一项: a. recommendations b. instructions
Well, you must come round tomorrow to talk about the supplier. 选择一项: a. recommendations b. instructions
Well, if you’ve got a problem, you must go round to that supplier. They will sort it out. 选择一项: a. recommendations b. instructions
If the government does not ban traffic in the centre of the city, congestion will get worse. Unless__________________ , congestion will get worse.
If we do not promote renewable energy, the Earth’s natural resources will be used up soon. Unless _________________ , the Earth’s natural resources will be used up soon.
If the dumping of waste electrical goods is not stopped, people’s health will suffer. Unless __________________ , people’s health will suffer.
If more green cars are not produced, air pollution will increase. Unless ___________________ , air pollution will increase.
Rivers will be safer if factories are banned from polluting them. Rivers will be less safe unless________________________
It is said that dolphins are very intelligent. __________________ dolphins are very intelligent.
It is reported by scientists that dolphins communicate with each other by little noises. __________________ dolphins communicate with each other by little noises.
It is known that dolphins can help drowning fishermen.___________________ dolphins can help drowning fishermen.
It is understood by fishermen that dolphins are their friends_________________ dolphins are their friends.
It is considered by many that we should protect dolphins._________________ we should protect dolphins.
It is thought that sperm whales can dive very deep indeed._________________ sperm whales can dive very deep indeed.