She was protesting against ______ government telling students what they should and should not eat at school. (A)bossy (B)patient (C)kind (D)fragile
The hospital bed is no longer ______ by his wife because she is fine now. (A)overlooked (B)occupied (C)opened (D)Operated
David.s mother was unstable and _______ . (A)windy (B)moody (C)speedy (D)handy
It became harder for women married to diplomats(外交家) to _______ their own interests. (A)pursue (B)replace (C)absorb (D)convince
Everybody likes her because she is always _______ . (A)Everybody likes her because she is always _______ . (B)cheerful (C)sad (D)selfish
Use daily writing to ______ your communication skills. (A)track (B)discharge (C)contract (D)enhance
I am unhappy because she accepted my invitation _______ . (A)passively (B)extremely (C)undoubtedly (D)unwillingly
Do let me know immediately if something unexpected______. (A)rises (B)raises (C)praises (D)arises
The planes have to _______ strict safety checks. (A)encounter (B)undergo (C)evaluate (D)wonder
He unbuttoned his shirt to _______ a big scar on his chest. (A)adapt (B)react (C)review (D)reveal
I think the private ownership of guns is a _______mistake. (A)wonderful (B)great (C)tragic (D)romantic
It .s surprising that this idea took so long to _______. (A)add to (B)dispose of (C)catch on (D)absorb in
America has a lot of _______ weapons now. (A)aggressive (B)expensive (C)passive (D)expressive
A good public speaker can _______ the audience (听众)at the very beginning. (A)convey (B)portray (C)exaggerate (D)hook
It is dangerous to ______ outdated(过时的) ideas and theories. (A)cling to (B)strive for (C)run through (D)resort to