They ( ) us since five o.clock this morning until now A.are helping B.help  C.have helped D. have been helping
[单选题,2.5分] A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, ( ) from the sort of candles used only in churches. A.had come B. coming C.come D.that came
[单选题,2.5分] No one thought that John’s suggestion was worth ( ). A.to consider B.considering C.to be considered D.of consideration
4 [单选题,2.5分] ( ) that the president’s economic policy will help curb inflation. A.The hope B.It is hoped C.Hoping D.To hope
There is old woman in the car. A./ B.the C.a D.an
You may ( ) this; I don’t want it back. A.get B.maintain C.remain D.keep
Our visit ( ) to be a waste of time because fog reduced visibility A.turned out B.turned up C.turned over D.turned off
8 [单选题,2.5分] My sister will be here tomorrow , but at first I thought that she ( ) today. A.is coming B.will come C.was coming D.comes
By five o’clock this evening the spaceship ( ) eleven times round the world . A.has been travelling B.will have travelled C.has been travelled D.having been travelled
I will go home for a vacation as soon as I ( ) my exams. A.finish B.will finish C.finished D.had finished
It is a pity that Andrew didn’t want to go to the conference. ( ) willing to go, we could have paid all his expenses. A.Being B.Had he been C.Was he D.He had been
( ) Jack not busy, he would help us. A.If B.Were C.Had D.Did
( ) that he had succeeded in designing a new device of laser, we came to congratulate him on his success. A.Having been heard B.To have heard C.Being heard D.Having heard
I’ll certainly work all next week except when it ( ). A.will be raining B.will rain C.would rain D.is raining
The story was told by a young girl ( ) in a small town on the west coast. A.grows up B.growing up C.grew up D.grown up