In the end, the responsibility for good advertising must be shared between the advertiser, the advertising agency and the econsumer Advertising does not set trends but it reflects them. lt is up to the consumers to tell advertisers where they fail and until people on the receiving end take
the business seriously and make their feelings known, the process of change will remain laboriously slow.
6. Despite recent changes in attitudes, some advertisements still fail to_
A.change women.s opinions of themselves B.persuade the public to buy certain
C.show any understanding of people.s feelings products D. meet the needs of the advertising products
7. According to the writer, the commonest fault of present-day advertising is to_
A. condemn the role of the housewife B. ignore protests about advertisement C.present a misleading image of women
D. meet the needs of the advertising industry
8. Research suggests that the reaction of women towards misrepresentation by
advertisements is
A.unbeliefB.hostilityC.approbation D.apathy
9. Emma Bennett suggests that advertisement ought to___
A.give further emphasis on practice
B. pay more compliments to women than before C.use male images instead of female ones
D.change their style rather than their content

10.Ultimately the advertisingindustry should
A. take its job more earnestly
B. take notice of the public opinion C. do more pioneering work
D.concentrate on the products advertised
